

Realm of Death
Season 1, Episode 5

The prophecy was spoken by a mystic : Although the tyrant Queen will become immortal, she will be killed by the golden-haired princess during the last days.

Carla thought her ears were deceiving her when the heard the poor mystic sitting at the façade of the the temple prophecing the death of her cousin.

Had he been heard by the Queen's swordsmen, he would have been murdered for preaching heresy. Carla felt pity for the little man. He looked enervated and Carla was hundred percent sure he hadn't had food in days. Feeling empathy for him, she handed him three gold pieces. The mystic looked at her.

"Carla Ellington," the mystic said which stunned her. She flinched.

"How did you..."

"Don't bother about the how," he interrupted, "the creator has heard your prayer. Your heart is pure but your cousin's is a total contrast."

Deep-down, Carla knew the mystic was right. Meghan was a rapacious leader. Nothing ever satisfied her. She had been that way ever since they were kids.

"You're prophecing the death of my cousin. You can be executed for that," she told him bluntly.

"I am not afraid of what kills the body. After all, I am made of clay. This world is full of ripples. I want to die and return to the creator," he said. Carla felt his plight.

"All hope isn't lost. Queen Meghan will not get away with all her evil deeds."

The mystic looked at Carla and smiled ruefully. He started reciting the prophecy and Carla was bored from hearing it over and over. The mystic stopped suddenly and spun to leave the temple. Carla stared at him, flummoxed.


It was dusk. Godiva was standing in front the mirror in her room. She had disguised herself. She picked a bonnet lying on a table and wore it. She skittered to the door, threw it open slightly and poked her head out. Two soldiers were taking first watch. One was strolling across the hallway. Godiva sighed and closed the door. She had to leave the palace and go after Marris. It was a silly idea but she couldn't sit idle while her only brother was in danger.

The journey to the Queen's territory was full of peril and yet, the depressed princess wanted to embark on it.

Godiva sighed one more time, scurried to the door and threw it open. She stepped out and was stopped by the guard on watch. He didn't recognize her. Godiva bowed her head.

"Where are you going? It's almost dark," the gurad asked in a manly voice which scared the hell out of Godiva. she trembled.

"The princess asked me to get her water from the kitchen," she replied in a high pitched voice. The guard sensed something was off.

"Let me see your face!" he ordered.

Godiva felt a twinge of nervousness as she was compling to the guard's order.

She held up her left hand, mumbled something in ancient language and twitched her fingers. The guard suddenly froze and she slipped away into the anteroom. She took the back door which led her to the stables. There, she saddled up a pony and mounted on the horse. She gripped the bridles.

"I'm coming for you, brother," she said and galloped away.

© Issakarazak