

Love Yourself
"You are so dark. How will we even find you when the light goes off?"

"You are so fat. You will definitely burst out someday."

"You are so skinny. How will you even attract boys? You know right boys love curves."

"Just be like your cousin. She is good at everything. And look at you. Only dance! Dance! And dance!"

"Why do you speak so much! You make everyone bored by your long talks."

"Why you are so silent? You make everyone bored by your presence."

"You need to change okay! We can't bear you like this anymore."

"I won't be able to do this. Everyone keep laughing at me."

Many of us might have atleast heard any of these dialogues above, in our life.
We keep listening to it, without having the courage to speak up , agreeing to everyone who keep pointing out our flaws.

In this period of listening to some songs which includes all the slangs just to make it sound cool, I was suggested to listen to k-pop once.
I still remember it was 10 October 2018, since when I started listening to k-pop.

To be honest I wasn't much interested on its meaning.
I only kept humming to its tune because as a beginner, it was hard for me to pronounce the exact korean word until I got to know that I can find the romanized lyrics in the google and could sing it just like the great idols does.

And the time I got to know its meaning, I got to know that every song has a theory behind it. Based on which songs are made.

I agree too that every songs has a story.

If I go to talk about the common topic like many songs describes one's sadness while going through breakup and etc etc.
Specially 'love stories' . That's what everyone desires to listen so that in a way, they can relate it with the lyrics and shed some tears remembering his/her lover and their memories.

So basically such songs talks about 'someone' loving 'someone' .

But have you ever thought if 'you' love yourself?
If 'you' accept the way you are?

You can find many girlfriends or boyfriends in your life who will say you many times with their own cheesy way that she/he loves you.

But what matters is if you love yourself.

It's okay to remain single forever but it won't be okay if you hate yourself.
Because if you really do hate yourself, you will feel your existence as worthless and we never know someone may end up choosing any wrong decision.

We many times keep looking into the mirror and keep pointing out our flaws.

But whereas in this world, no one can be perfect in everything.
I have read somewhere that the real gold is inferior to the gold which is mixed which in easy language, we can say duplicate or copied .

Which describes that every real things in this world, must atleast have a flaw. Whereas the copied things can be perfect.

It's okay to be imperfect.
It's okay to make mistakes.
It's okay to give up sometimes.
But it's not okay to give up on your life just because everyone keep pointing out your flaws.

Be strong and fight with their small mentality.

Learn to love yourself.

And this is what k-pop taught me.

There's many things to talk about what k-pop taught me but no one is interested in reading such long boring lectures anyway.

Sometimes when your own people make you feel stressed, even the unknown succeed in cheering you up even staying miles away from you.