

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the Terrace, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. I stood numb unaware what to do next. I consoled myself and I got ready to face the reality. With Astonishment, I just turned to see those Footsteps. Turned Back, Wondering where the footsteps gone. I called out those footsteps to appear before me. To my Surprise, no response and no-one turned up. I confused about the scenario and i was curious to know those Footsteps. So, I went back to the stairs looking back dumbfolding where might the footsteps gone. I reached the stairs and i didn't give up. I thought of coming back to the dead end of the Terrace as before. To my Eyeopening, I witnessed the same shadow and i bewildered jolting. I climbed downstairs and i sat perplexed in my House. My Sister suggested me to enquire someone about the scenario. In a Splash,I deliberated to probe my Supreme Power. I asked my Supreme Power. Her answer paralyzed me. Supreme Power told laughingly, "It was in our opposite direction and it is following you. It is your own Shadow as the Sun rises in the East and you have walked towards East in the daybreak, thereby, It's your own shadow that followed you. So that, it didn't come when you walk back." Frozen me, stood dazed thinking my foolness over myth. Supreme Power added, "See, My Child, In our life, Shadows are the Obstacles that follow us when we attempt. Unaware of this fact, we are trying to demolish it." Sparkling, I realized my Obstacles are my pathway to Victory.