

Lost Childhood 15
The root of Alejandro’s passion for his work stemmed from his childhood. His father always considered him the cause of his mother’s death; when they were growing up he can remember them being alone, his sister used to tell him stories about their mother. Most of the time when their father did return, he was drunk and never alone. There were always numerous women in and out of their home.

One day when he and Matilda returned home from school, one of the women from the night before was still there and their father was not home from work which was not unusual. What wasn’t usual was there was another man there. He left as soon as Matilda and Alejandro walked through the door; the woman said that it was her brother and told them dinner would be ready soon and they would all eat when their father got home.

She told them to do their homework and afterwards clean their rooms and wash their hands to help set the table. When they came back, she had prepared them a snack. The best quesadillas they had ever eaten were waiting for them. Once they had eaten they helped clean up the kitchen and then set the table for dinner. Afterwards Alejandro went to his room and played video games; Matilda remained in the living room and read a book for a report that was due at school in a few weeks.

Jacqueline, the woman who was becoming a familiar face at home was gradually making herself comfortable around the house. Everyday when the kids returned from school she was there to greet them. Although both Matilda and Alejandro had a key, the door was always open for them and a snack had been prepared. Another thing that was becoming familiar was Jacqueline’s brother, who was always there when they arrived, David was his name. He would always leave as soon as they came in the house.

There was something about him that made Alejandro uncomfortable. He and Jacqueline looked nothing alike; everyone could tell that he and Matilda were brother and sister. What bothered him the most was the way he looked at Matilda and he would always kiss Jacqueline goodbye but not like a brother. It was playful like their father used to say goodbye to their mother before he left for work each morning.

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