

One too many heartbreaks
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from The Night Slowly Came by Kate Chopin:

I am losing my interest in human beings; in the significance of their lives and their actions. Someone has said it is better to study one man than ten books. I want neither books nor men; they make me suffer…

One would consider me Antisocial, claim I have social anxiety when that is far from the truth. I simply do not wish to be in the presence of human beings, their lives and actions mean nothing to me. At first I thought it was my normal irritation, one that came a few times a year, but now it's more than that. Even books seem like a hassle to me. What was once my way of escaping reality is now a factor of my irritation. I have tried to understand humans, to understand why they do certain things or say certain things. In the end my answer remains the same, they just lack common sense. Put a simple situation in front of a human and just watch how they complicate it with their actions. Something that could easily be solved and forgotten is now a whole endless drama they have to deal with.
My thoughts about humans may come from a biased point of view, seeing as how my heart has been toyed with numerous times. I wish I could say I am a stranger to heartbreak, but there is no point lying through my teeth.
Not just one man has shattered my heart. If I were to count, it would be about five men who had the chance to break whatever was left of my dear heart.
Love sounds like a simple emotion, not needing much analysis or discussion, just a feeling one feels when they meet someone special. It's an emotion easy to feel and express yet humans make it seem so complicated and unattainable. How hard can it be to express your emotions to the one you love? How hard can it be to assure your loved one of your feelings? You ask a human if they love you and most times all they are able to say is a mixed jumble of words meaning nothing. That does not give the assurance one needs. Rather, it places fear, insecurities, distrust, and other emotions in the minds of loved ones. How then can you claim to love someone when all you do is make them doubt your feelings for them?
A man once told me he loved me more than his own life. At that moment, I felt like the luckiest woman on the earth, nothing could spoil my mood. I soon realized what a lie that was, also realized just how many people he told that lie to while being with me. It's funny isnt it? A person claims to love another yet they lie in bed with others and make promises they cannot fulfil. Why then do they go about screaming proclamations of love when they will never stand by their words? Why give one a joy so precious and then steal it from them to give to another?
Another man claimed to love me, although he was less vocal about his love. We would spend our days together planning our future, but those crucial words never left his mouth. I thought that was just he was, less into the vocal declarations and more into the actions. That would make sense would it not? Unfortunately those words did leave his mouth rather carelessly, only they were meant for his first lover. I was simply a replacement for a love he had once felt deeply. Imagine what that does to a person's self esteem.
The other men were no less disgusting, all being cheaters and liars. Maybe the constant heartbreak led me to loose interest in the significance of humans. I cannot say I care to ever spike up that interest again, as far as I'm concerned the human race has nothing to offer me. My time exploring and given them the benefit of doubt has come to an end, now all that's left is my departure from this planet. Hopefully that happens without another man lying to my face about his love for me.
© Mary Jeje A