

The "mumu " said a traditional part of cooking which is an integral part of Papua New Guinean culture. It consists of of cooking parcels of food on hot rocks in a small hole in the ground. With its smokey baked flavors it is mouth watering.. 😂 😂
In preparation for a mumu,we dug a big hole that is wide but not really deep, we gather rocks..those rocks have to be smooth and then heat them for hours..the fire looks like a bonfire it's big and wide.. This we wait for hours until the rocks glow red hot and all the wood is all burnt. Except for the rocks. They pile red hot..
Using long branches of trees we spread the stones around inside the hole.
While men are preparing that, women wrapp the food in banana leaves which are waved over the heat to increase their durability. The types of food is dependent on the region, with sweet potatoes, yams, chicken, pork and sea food. Before the parcels are sealed coconut milk is poured over with spices to induce a delicious caramelisation. Now it is put on the hot rocks.. And more rocks are put on top.. And we wait for several hours or overnight.. If we put a whole cow or pig in then we wait over night..
The result is delicious and feels like heaven on earth.. I love it

This is just one type of "mumu" there are others too.... Maybe I'll write about those later.