

Realm Of Death
Season 1, Episode 6

Prince Marris was sprawled on the cold floor in the Queen's dungeon. His thoughts were in a complete turmoil. The Queen's decision not to kill him didn't sit well with him. Meghan had something nefarious up in her sleeve. Marris was hundred percent sure of that.

Having him as her prisoner had earned her the leverage to get even with the King. Marris just wished he could figure out what Meghan was scheming. The voice of a woman interrupted his thoughts. He wondered who that was for Meghan would not visit him in the dungeon and moreover, he had already seen her a while ago. The metal door slid open and Carla stepped into the dungeon. She walked towards the Prince and crouched over him. She inserted the keys she was holding into the lock. The hand cuffs around Marris' wrist squeaked open and fell to the floor. Marris stared at her in awe.

"What are you doing?"

"Freeing you. It's not right for you to be locked up like an animal," she replied.

Marris' eyebrow furrowed. He couldn't fathom what Carla said.

"Who are you?" Marris asked as he struggled to his feet.

"My name is Carla Ellington. I'm the Queen's cousin."

Her reply jolted her.

"Why are you betraying your own blood?"

Carla looked at him.

"I believe in peace. As long as you stay locked up here, your father will do anything to rescue you even if he has to wage war against my cousin," she said.

"And that is exactly what I want to avoid. The war has killed lots of innocent people. I can't sit on the fence and watch my cousin unleash a rain of terror again."

"Then she must stopped," Marris told her, soothing his wrist.

“Yes, I have to kill her.”

"Killing the queen is treason, Carla. We should look for another alternative," Marris suggested.

"There is no alternative. Meghan must die before she becomes immortal," she whispered.



"But how?"

"What am about to disclose must remain a secret between us. No one must know about it. Do you promise?"

"You can count on me," Marris said emphatically.

"My cousin and her sorcerer discovered an ancient magic to free the spirit of the goddess from the pyramid," she said.

"But how is that even possible? As far as I know, the gods trapped the spirit of the goddess in that pyramid and swore no one will be able to release her," Marris pointed out.

"Yes, but my cousin has found a way. It is written in the book of incarnation that if the pyramid is constantly filled with human blood, the spirit trapped in it will be released on the eve of the solstice."

"That explains why Meghan loves bloodshed. She wants to wage war so many people will be massacred and their blood will fill up the pyramid."

"But what I don't understand is why free the spirit of the evil goddess who brought nothing but devastation upon the lands?"

"The spirit of the goddess will leave the pyramid and enter into the body of my cousin. They will be bonded and that will make her immortal. It is a form of covenant. It has a specific name but I don't know much of those things," she said.

"This is serious. If the Queen becomes immortal then the world is doomed."

"That's why she must be killed. There is simply no time. There is a cave up the hillside. I tied a hosre in the cave. Ride to GrinderWald and imform the King what my cousin is conspiring."

"How can I begin to thank you, Carla. May the creator reward you handsomely."

"Thank me not. I just want the war to end. Any person in my shoes would have done the same thing," she said.

"You have a kind heart and I admire your sincerity."

"I wished we had meet under a different circumstance. I lied to the guards on watch. They will be back in no time. You have to leave," she cautioned.

"The palace is so enormous and I don't even know how I ended up here."

"Follow me," Carla instructed and led him out of the dungeon.

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