

Have you heard about the story of a miry clay; which was without shape and dirty.It lived its entire life thinking it was of no use.Jealousy sprang up in its heart as it sees how useful the loamy soil is to everyone.

It continued to sober in its miserable life.The clay tried doing what the loamy soil always do."I will show myself to the farmer today.Maybe he would see that something can also come out of me." The clay thought.The farmer declined saying it is too sticky.

The farmer finally poured some seeds into its belly after several pleas from the clay.The clay waited and waited but nothing sprang out.The clay felt defeated and finally agreed that nothing good can ever come out of its being.

One day,a man passed the clay;The man was very handsome and powerful.Every part of his body was perfect and well sculptured.He walked back to where the clay was.He bent down,picked up the clay and said to himself "Something good will definitely come out of this clay."

The clay said to the man "Don't waste your time.I'm sticky and I'm of no use."
The man smiled and said "I'm a potter and it is your stickiness that makes you perfect."He told the clay to trust him.The clay agreed (Who wouldn't trust a man whose body looked so perfect) and the potter took the clay home.

The potter worked on the clay, day and night.The process was too vigorous for the clay.Anytime the clay complains,the potter will tell it to be patient. The process brought pain to the clay.The clay was already feeling weary but it had trust in the potter and was continued beaten by the potter.

After a long time,the potter was done with the clay.The clay was so curious to look at what the potter had made out of its worthless being.The clay was shocked at what he saw;The potter had made it an exact replica of himself.The clay looked so magnificient ;It looked so beautiful and perfect just like the potter.The potter wanted the clay to be mobile just like he was.Remember I said the potter was powerful; He breath life into the clay and the clay was able to move about freely.

The clay became a masterpiece; A wonder to behold.It totally forgot the pain the process brought.Rather, it became grateful because the process made it.

One day,the clay decided to leave the potter to a faraway place.The freedom of the clay was cut short.The clay had broken one of its arms because it really didn't know how its masterpiece of a body works.The clay realised that if he continues being far away from the potter,It will return to its ugly and shapeless form again.The clay went back to the potter who gladly moulded back his broken arm.Afterwards,the clay made a decision not to stay far from the potter because only him knows how what he formed works.
* * * *
The clay soil decided to share this story to encourage every clay scattered on earth. The clay asked me to tell you this:
• You are not useless;Not everyone knows your worth.
• Don't be jealous of loamy soil.What it has been called to do is different from what you were created to do.
• Your stickiness (weaknesses) doesn't make you useless; It qualifies you to be used by the potter.
• The fact that farmer doesn't recognise your potential is because it isn't his work to.It is the work of potter.Not everyone can see the potential you carry.
• The moulding process is always painful; you might be frustrated at times but it is worth it.
• Sticking with the potter (God) will help you discover what you can do;your potentials.
Wonder,I have learnt a lot from this clay and the potter. The potter formed the clay in his own image;God formed me in his own image and after his likeness.There are a lot of potentials I can discover if I stay connected to God.I have a feeling there are lot of treasures hidden in this story;Please share it with me in the comments section.I can't wait to learn from you.