

I am Here

"Life is so short, yet love is infinite, and bountiful, and ever-present, and closer than the next breath. Do not look for love; do not wait for it; do not expect it on-demand. But know it. Know its presence, the intimacy of it. Feel it whispering in your ear...

I breathe with you, my love. Every inhale, every exhale, and the spaces in between. When you are on your knees, exhausted by life’s chaos and uncertainty, I kneel with you. When you are exalted, held up high by this fickle world, I rejoice with you. When you feel lost, and you cannot go on, I have already found you.

always here.

I am so very near. I laugh with you, cry with you, bleed with you; your blood is mine. Your voice is my voice, your silence my silence, and I would go to the ends of the Earth to find you, to fight for you, to bring you home.

You cannot escape love; that is why you cannot grasp it."

© Skywalker