

Surviving Grimward (Part Four)
We all sat on the grass. I had alot of questions on my mind. I looked over at the blond boy and he looked at me back and smiled. Jake and Blaire started talking to him and asking questions about the Grimward curse. I don't even know his name yet. I waited till they stopped talking so I could get my turn to ask questions.
"So what's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Nate," He replied.
"While being that monster, why did you kill Tessane?" I wanted to ask this for a long time.
"I had no control of myself and once I killed one human, I didn't have to kill anyone else. You won't understand but I've been watching over you, Katelyn. Tessane wasn't a good friend and you didn't notice that and that's why my monster curse chose to kill her," He said.
"Kate, I remember Nate. We grew up together before voodoo killed him," Jake said.
"Yeah Jake is my bestfriend," Nate said.
"I'm so glad we saved you," Blaire said.
"I appreciate all of you. And Katelyn, i really like you, beyond friends," He said. OMG! This is the first time a boy said they liked me.
"I like you too." I said then smiled..
"But how are we gonna get home?" Jake asked.
"When you turned me back to human, I somehow appeared with a phone in my pocket," He called rescue services.
We are finally getting home. I can't wait to see my parents. The helicopter came after an hour and rescued us. They let each of us off where we wanted to stop. I said goodbye to my friends and climbed down the ladder. I'm infront of my mom's business place watching the helicopter fly away.
"Kate, what are you doing here and why did you just climbed off a helicopter?" Mom asked from behind me. I didn't even know she was behind me.
"Mom I missed you so much," I hugged her and she hugged hugged back.
"I missed you too. Why is there dirt on your face and clothes?" She asked.
"It's a long story I'll tell you later. How's your business trip going?" I asked then laughed.
"It's going great. Let's get you cleaned up and you must be starving you'll need food too," She said and we walked inside.
Nate and I got married and had two beautiful male twins. Jake and Blaire also got married. My dad died, sadly, but atleast I still have mom. I still remember the past and the Grimward camp stuff but I'm making sure my kids never go on a campsite. I'm overprotective and I love our kids Kyle and Nathan very much.

***This is the end of the story guys. Hope you enjoyed it. Is it still confusing? I'm sorry to end it so soon and to post the last part so late.***

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