

Ponniyin Selvan
It was midnoon.
Selvan was lying on his bed with his eyes closed. The sun shone it's heat on his face. He lived on an apartment on the 2nd floor.He was tired of yesterday's party. All his friends came over for his birthday. It was a huge celebration. He cut cakes, had sweets, desserts and a heavy dinner. Must mention, was the DJ night until 4 am in the morning. Selvan enjoyed it thoroughly, because it was a long time since he met his friends all at once. But a parallel thought about the one day drama and funs existed in his mind. Was this all worth the money spent? Never mind, you had fun said another voice inside him. He still lied in bed thinking.

A notification sound bleeped in his mobile phone. With half eyes open, Selvan took a look at the pop-up notification. Suddenly, he straightened up and sat up shaking his head. Now he looked at the message properly. Yes, it is indeed her. He smiled to himself sheepishly.

It read, 'belated birthday wishes senior.'
Selvan replied with a 'thank you:)'
He typed...'I thought you said you won't text me anymore.' But deleted it without sending. He kept on typing and deleting without sending while Ponni was online all along. Finally he sent another 'thank you' forgetting he had thanked her already for the wishes.

Ponni sent a laughing emoji. Selvan realised his mistake and sent a 'hehe'.
He went offline not able to bear the embarrassment. He went online just to check if she was online still. And she was.
Both were online for about 3 minutes straight and Selvan went offline thinking he would get out of bed and freshen up.

As he was brushing his teeth, he heard the notification sound again. He rushed to the bedroom and took his phone.
Ponni has asked him to send his live location.

What!! Is she kidding?
No way.

Selvan replied with a '?'

Ponni clearly asked again. 'Send me your live location senior!!'
Selvan sent her the live location. There was no reply for another 10 minutes. He texted her again...'are you pranking me? Or is this a dare that someone gave you?'
Ponni replied within seconds..'check out from your balcony senior!'

Selvan screamed..ahhhh..seriously!!
He jumped to his window and saw her standing with her bike.
Ahhhhhh....he screamed again.

'Gsjsgsksjsksjsjjslsgsvwfrwh' he sent her with excitement and disbelief.

Ponni again replied with laughing emojis.
Selvan now came back to his senses and texted, 'hey Ponni, come up home.'

Ponni climbed up the stairs and stood infront of the doors that were left open. Selvan came to the door hurriedly wiping his face with a towel.

"Hi senior." Said Ponni
Selvan just stood and smiled at her.

"May I?" Ponni gestured if she could come inside.
"Oh oh, yes yes...sorry..yes come in please." Uttered Selvan.

"You have a nice voice." Said Ponni.
Seeing Selvan blushing, she added.."sorry, I'm hearing your voice for the first time ever senior. It's always been the texts right."
Selvan nodded in agreement.
"Oh yeah, you too...good voice." He said.
Ponni gave him a sarcastic smile.

Selvan offered Ponni a chair. Both of them sat in silence for 2 minutes. Finally Selvan broke up the silence.
"So, what's up? How's life?"

"Yeah all good senior. How about you?"

"Ofcourse Ofcourse, all good." Smiled Selvan scratching his head realising his messy hall from yesterday's party.
Ponni understood quickly and laughed out loud. "Never mind." Said Ponni.

Ponni and Selvan had a little chitchat for a while about the college days.
"You won't ask me why am I here?" Asked Ponni.
"I thought to, but I was hesitant. So I let you break the ice." Answered Selvan.

"Hmm, so I am out on a trip. Had to use the bathroom badly and got reminded that you stay in this city." Smiled Ponni.

"Go straight and take left." Said Selvan without any expression.
"Thank you." Went on Ponni.

Ponni came back while Selvan was changing the channels on the TV carelessly.
"Seriously?" Questioned Selvan.

Ponni shook her head and smiled apologetically. "But trust me I'm on a trip and I just dropped by."

"Oh really, with who?" Selvan raised his eyebrow.

"Hmm, my boyfriend."

Selvan smirked at Ponni.
"No I'm not joking."

"Oh then, congratulations. And hey, call him also here. Why would you make him stand outside?"

Ponni controlled her smile and said, "actually he can't climb up. But you can see him standing from here. See..." Ponni pointed.

"I see no one. Where's...hey..wait..the bike?"
Selvan facepalmed.
"Hehe, yeah it's him."

"So you are on a...?"

"Solo trip. That's right. Why should boys have all the fun uh?" Finished Ponni.

"Enjoy enjoy." Laughed Selvan.

After a minute of silence, Selvan asked Ponni

"Sure. I can make a good one, no two." Said Ponni.

"Haha very well, but I asked you as in a...as in a.." stammered Selvan.
" in...a..." repeated Ponni.

"A date." Mouthed Selvan.
Ponni nodded fast with a bright smile.
"2 minutes I'll dress up."

Both of them got out to get some coffee.
When Selvan was about to take his bike Ponni asked, "You jealous of my boyfriend huh?"

Selvan shook his head and took the back seat. They both had some coffee and much chitchats.

Ponni dropped Selvan at his apartment.
Ponni waved him bye and smiled.
"Won't you pay in a visit up there before leaving?" Asked Selvan.
Ponni followed him without a word.

It was time to depart.
"Good bye senior."
Selvan for the first time touched Ponni.
He took both of her hands and kissed them lightly and said, "Thank you Ponni."
Ponni's eyes welled up.
Selvan set her free.
She took her bag and walked out.
"Ponni!! Is there a next time?"
"For me, for you, for us? You decide senior." Said Ponni tears rolling.
Selvan didn't say a word after that.

Ponni left his place.

Selvan stood in silence looking at the doors through which Ponni left through.


P.s. I thought to name her Poonguzhali and title this story 'Poonguzhaliyin Selvan' but stayed with Ponni as the name PONNIYIN SELVAN will remain eternal.
Thanks for reading❤

#ponniyinselvan #storytime
#arulmozhi #ponni
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