

Sitting down on the sofa in my sitting room, I cried my eyes out. How could life be so unfair. I knew I am beautiful but I didn't wanna do what most of my friends did for money. Many thought New York was a bed of roses. Only the rich enjoyed it.
As I ventured on thinking, an idea occurred to me. I quickly picked my phone up and dialled Lisa's number. Maybe she can be able to give me an hint of how she makes her money, despite the fact that we walked in the same hotel.
I told her the situation I was in and she promised to give me more details when I arrived at the hotel the following day. I was happy. Maybe atlast I can help bail my mom out.

While mopping the third floor room the next day, I heard sounds coming from the door. I stopped to hear more so I could know what was making those sounds. In my quest to hear it, the manager walked into the room, looking at me, smiling. He moved closer to me and I moved back.
"Sir, please what do you want from me?"
"I don't want anything from you. All I want you to do for me is..........." He stopped when he heard steps. Lisa also walked into the room few seconds after. Mr Ben had no other choice but to Leave after giving Lisa a wicked grin.
"Oh my God Lisa, am so happy you came. I don't know what that dirty manager possibly wants from me. He's making me loose my temper on him".
She laughed hard holding her chest and I watched her like she was crazy.
"So Isabel, are you that dumb that you don't Know what that man wants from you?" She stared at me mockingly.
"I don't know. I just don't understand. What could he possibly want from me?"
"Yeah Bella. He wants your body, dumb head".
"My what?! Lisa are you crazy? How could you say a thing like that? Who does that?"
"Everyone does it. It's part of life".
"Then quit your job if you Know you can't because I know very well that you're his next target".
Something occurred on my head.
"So, do you mean to tell me that you've done that with him".
She eyed me dangerously.
"And if I say I have, are you gonna kill me?".
"Lisa, pray that your quest for money wouldn't put you in trouble".
I smiled at her and knocked her silently on her head.

"OMG! lest I forget. I wanted to ask you something and I guess this is the right time for me to ask you. Lisa, you know you are my friend and friends help in Times of need. About the money you gave me yesterday, do you actually mean that you have other business doing except from this cleaning job?"
She laughed hard and pushed my head lightly.
"Common I don't do such".
"Then what else do you do because you and I know that money doesn't grow up on trees".
"Yeah yeah that's true. Well, I use what I have to get what I need". She said to me confusingly.
"And what do you mean by that?"
"I mean my body. Yeah my body. That's what I use in making money. Now that you've known what else do you want?" she asked fluntly.
"Don't know".
"Catch up with me later when you've given a thought about it".
"Ok". She left almost immediately.

I had to think about it when I got home. Besides, I wouldn't just let my mom rot away in jail all because of me. She's the only one I have. I had to do something even if it means selling my body. I picked up my phone and texted Lisa.
📱 I've made up my mind, when will we be going? I don't have any other option
A message came Popping in.
📲 Tomorrow will be better dearie, I have other places going in the following days
My heart ached, I was disturbed.
📱Lisa don't you think am gonna be regretting this?"
📲 Don't worry have been in this Same situation. Just chill, It's just for one night, ok. You'll soon get over it".
📱Ok thanks.
LISA: No problem.

I dropped my phone silently on my bed and lay down silently. Why must I do this. Life is so unfair.

I met with Lisa the following day. She was so happy that I had given a thought about it.
"Don't worry you wouldn't regret it because am gonna take you to my client. He'll look for a cool rich guy for you. Trust me".
She winked and brought out her phone, dialing someone's number.
"Hi Prince, do you have any free guy for today". She spoke into the speaker carefully.
"Ermmm... I don't think so. They're all covered".
"Ok, I'll call you back later".
"hmm.... Wait a minute, I could call Bryan. Maybe he would be wanting since he just came back". Prince answered.
"So... Do you mean Bryan, your best friend who's supposedly the governor's son?"
"Yeah, he just arrived a week ago, I could give him a call".
"Ok, thanks". She hanged up and turned to me.
"Gal you're just so lucky. You'll be meeting up with the governor's son any moment from now. Aren't you happy? He's such a nice and romantic guy. I've met him twice before, but it seems he is not interested in women".
I bit my lips nervously and puffed out some air.
"Am just scared". I added caressing my hair.
"You don't have to. Remember all these are for your mom".

Before long, a white car drove into the premises. A guy came out, walking towards our direction. He called Lisa to a corner and they both spoke.
"Is she the girl?" Prince asked Lisa.
"Are you sure she is ok because she seems nervous".
Lisa smiled shyly.
"She's fine. I've talked to her".
"You know Bryan is a hot tempered guy, so I advise she put on a straight face".
"She'll try. I know she can."
"Ok then, let's go".
Prince hopped into the car and I followed suite. I was a little scared though as I waved Lisa goodbye. I hope am not gonna be regretting this.
Prince drove me to the house. I was stunned. You need to come see what I mean by heaven on Earth!. It was a Mansion surrounded with all luxuries of life. Two pools, cars of different grand, trimmed grasses and different varieties of servants hopping around.
I was shocked to my bone marrow. This was heaven!

Prince directed his room to me after he had gotten a call from his dad, he left almost immediately. I had to use the elevator, though I wasn't a fan of it; I preferred stairs but this one would make one have a head ache.
When I got to the room prince directed me to, I knocked but no one answered. I had to push the door open until I found out that the supposed Bryan was having a phone conversation with someone. He was far behind so I didn't get to see his face but he directed me with his hand, still receiving his call. I nervously closed the door and sat down quietly. Everywhere was just so classy and arranged. I couldn't believe only one person stayed in that room because it looked like a room that can occupy a family of ten.
I felt terrified as I ran my hand through my long hair. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

As I waited out for him, thankfully the conversation ended up and he dropped his phone. He turned around swiftly and I became shocked to my bone marrow. His eyes met mine and he stopped looking at me heavily. I stood up pointing at him badly as I heaved out a heavy sigh.
"YOU?" The two of us echoed and at the same time pointing at each other.


All rights reserved ©️
By AUTHORESS: Samson Blessing