

Confession Letter (A Very Short Story)
It was february, he was practicing our dance for the upcoming prom. It was friday so I didn't get the chance to see you in weekends. I gave you a letter, I gave it to you personally and said

"open it when you come home or when you're done with the practice "

Then you opened it with someone by your side to assist you.


"This is probably cheesy but I think the time has come that I'll confess to you, I hid my real feelings for you for too long. I was afraid of rejection but I've learnt to accept all answers. Well, since 7th grade, I really like you, why? Cause you're like the best-friend boy I could ever have... ((sorry if my grammar is wrong)). This is unexpected, right? Sorry...

I just want you to know that you're important in my life. The time has come when I want to confess, this is probably weird for you but I just wanted to let you know that I love you very much. I like you very much. Up until NOW...(2019) I think this is probably very obvious because of my actions. Am very sorry if I weirded you out :>.

Why did I do this? For me to express my feelings for you, maybe it's also obvious because of my tweets HAHAHA I'm actually making it very obvious. Sorry and we're awkward at times. Yes this is full of sorry's BWAHAHAHA but ofcourse, there's also a thank you. Thank you for the friendship even if I'm like this HAHAHA thank you for the happy memories when you make me laugh.

Thank you for all the games you taught me to play HAHAHAHA just sayin' thank you even if I know that I maybe just your friend in your eyes but I just really wanna confess THROUGH LETTER HAHAHA I'm a chicken irl, sorry. It looks like I'm the one courting sorry :3. I kind of hate when you call me by that nickname 'cause it is so weird. But roleplaying is fun so...

I know I'm dumb, I'm ugly, I'm not perfect and I'm shy, I'm not that funny and my handwriting is ugly HAHAHA I wish you can understand this :>.

I'm very sorry if you're weirded out. I wish we could still talk after this if you've read this letter, I'm worried that the way you look at me will change... I hate that I'm like this HAHAHA I just wanna hug u everytime you come near me but I can't because I thought maybe you're not comfortable with that... This letter is slightly ripped am sorry. SORRY for every wrong thing that I've done. If you're cringing, I'm sorry. Sorry if my handwriting is ugly I hope you can read this properly HAHAHA"


"Is this supposed to be a confession letter?"


Then you gave it to my bestfriend and said

"We're probably better off as just friends"

Then they went home


"Did you read the letter?"

"Yes... I quite not accept
it but I'd still
like to be friends"

"Oh ok I
kinda expected that



So we still became friends and still talk to each other. I'm still thankful.