

The wish paradox
I WANT TO LIVE. I was living or maybe I was just existing I don't know. But this time I do not want to just exist, I want to live, I want to feel alive, to experience teenage life, to have fun, to have lots of friends, to go to parties, to get popular in school, to get known by everyone, to be like Flora Hills

It is 3rd August today. It is my birthday, I turned 17 today with lots of hope to finally live. I just woke up and opened my phone, It had messages from Mia, She is my best friend or should I say my only friend. She was wishing me my birthday. She is really sweet and kind, The only thing I don't like of her is that she is really optimistic, not that I hate optimistic people, Its just that I don't get them, I never have. They are always happy with everything. I once asked Mia
That if she could change one thing in her life, what would she like to change first.
She said "Nothing I love my life as it is" And then I wondered how could anyone possibly be that happy with their life. And then I thought maybe everyone loved their life only something was wrong with me that I don't like mine.

I got up from my bed and went downstairs. My mom was in kitchen, she was making pancakes. As she saw me her face glowed and she said "Happy birthday my love" and smiled, I smiled too. "Get ready for school, I am making you, your favourite pancakes"

I took a bath and got ready. I wore my favourite shirt, not because I was feeling special but because I had no other choice for today. I thanked my mom for pancakes, then gave her a kiss and went to school.

To be Continued...