

Crazy Out
My hands touch the window
As I look at people
on the move
it's still action going on
But out there something
else was going down y'all
I saw a car
it was black with lilac
And purple on it
it didn't belong in the block
But it was here
So I didn't think nothing of it
until I saw the guy the car
belong to
he had a musk
And sexy clothing but
he was very angry
And he kept saying
I am coming in
So I didn't know he like that
right so I just thought he was flexing
just crazy but we'll dressed
But I was wrong
He was giving a purge vibe
And I was not down with that so
I stopped giving him an audience
And moved from the window
But once I did
This crash noise slams the back part
of my house so I go to see what it was
then I see the guy with the car
And he like let me in
Or I am going to do it
on my own
So I say yo drop that crazy behavior
I m out don't bring your problems
to my door
So I call the cops
And they get his signature on some paper
So I say who is this he did not get
arrested or nothing
So I went on my porch an sat
Then he got back in his car
He had a microphone saying now
you want to know don't you
So I yell man what's your beef
You my wine you
I don't know you
yes you don't remember me
But I was a man
Who used to have your attention
All the kids running to my store
So great I have grown up an you
are a stalker
No look so he takes the mask off
I say no it covid 19 no don't do it
(we should all say this to everybody we see) so he has a smaller mask and I see
it's the old store owner and he opens up the trunk an he say say I got mask
I got ice cream an some more stuff
What I don't have to go out my home
So why you drive into my house
Well you dated my son and never married him an I am still mad about
that so watch my smoke
So I buy food and other items and say
sorry. And in the front seat of his car
is his son wavering at me
then I go in my house
This pandemic got everybody acting
to weird
And you would think he would have
another lady by now
But he dad is crazy
And scared all us lady's away
Maybe when he on his own
I may try to Heller
But for now in my mind
I am saying don't kill me
with your stalk at vibe