

From Mind-Freezness to Mind-Freeness
When things fade away, when vision blocks, when life unfolds layers, when the weather shows its color......."
"Nothing can be more painful than seeing someone you love going away. Nothing can be more regretful than the remorse of not kissing someone before the final exit.
No one knows when distance poops up in life."

While reading these lines the only thing Niya is thinking about is the one she has just lost.
So dear to her, closest to heart.
She has tried various elements to kill her sorrow before it kills her leftover peace.
She has cried enough. Now, tears have drained.
She has gazed pictures of their togetherness enough. Now, her gallery is not calling her anymore.
She has talked about him enough. Now, her words are running short of expressions.

In this time of uneasiness, she is realizing that distraction is the only solution, but the problem is she does not know how to be distracted.
The thing she has learned after years of self-meditation was mindfulness and paying attention. She has discovered during her quest of vision that every emotion is essential and giving our true self to every situation is real courage. It has been printed on her mind that to get over the bothering factors facing their full intensity is a must.

Now, when this is actually happening with her and she is facing this turmoil of emotions. She is realizing that not every emotion needs to be entertained. Sometimes the heart needs diversion especially when your life has taken a part of your life away from you.

Doing self-talk in her mind and reading the book, she drops off.
Almost in a fraction of seconds, her subconscious reflections embrace her.
Now she is seeing Jack lying along her side. She is kissing his forehead. Jack was licking her hands.
She said, "No Jack, sleep silently & let me sleep too."
Jack ignores her request and continues. She was pampering him by titillating his soft fur.
Deep inside the consciousness of her sleep, she holds her pet in her arms. As strong as nothing can snatch Jack away from her, not even death.

Suddenly, the phone rings. She came out of that dream with vague teary eyes.
Those who know Niya also know the preciousness of her love for Jack. After getting the news of his dismissal people are trying to reach her to console her, to comfort her.
It is his dad this time. He is out of the city but his heart knows even after a week of their loss Niya is still on the same page of grief.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am, he was with me..."
Dad sighed
"I know. I also know he will be with you forever."
She is silent as she does not know how to explain what she felt a few minutes back. She is yet to accept it as a dream, as that feeling was too corporal and real to be a pipe dream.
Dad continues "Don't hold his memories so hard. It will disturb his journey in his other life".
Niya recalls her way of holding Jack, she is alarmed how dad knows that she was holding Jack so tightly. Then she realizes dad is not mentioning the physical grip but the ethereal one.

It is evening now, she is still deliberating her dream, her dad's words, Jack memories and her upheaval of calming her mind down.
In all these processes her dad words are dominating her mind and she is mulling over those words "Don't hold his memories so hard. It will disturb his journey in his other life".
After weighing her thoughts she comes to point out why she saw that dream and why dad called just at that moment and delivered those words.
She reckons that it is Jack who actually wants her to lose the grip so that he can endure his disembodied life.

Niya puts her book aside, picks her phone. She Opens the gallery, gives a final kiss to Jack with a belief that her bill and coo will travel galaxies to find Jack and assert to him " You are free now, Niya has sent you blissful busses.