


He knew what he was doing in theory, he knew what would happen, he had memorized the plan and yet his paranoia continued to whisper to him. What if this was a trap? a way for the warden to rid himself of an expense that cut into his kickback. Matix had come to know all too well that everyone has a price, and that corruption was and is the lifeblood of this prison. One thing he knew for certain whoever wanted him out of this shit hole would either be his salvation or his destruction. This game had to be played carefully. suddenly the sound of his meal door latches unlocking tore him from his thoughts he turned to see it opening and a silver tray being slid inside with a tie alcohol wipes, and a syringe on it. Without an exchange of words Matix took the tray and the door shut and locked again. Before his doubts could unnerve him completely sitting on his bed he tied off and plunged the syringe filled with white liquid into his vein a few short breath later the darkness consumed him when awoke he found himself in a cheap wooden box he coule hear the end of a short prayer being said and then the sounds of dirt began to be shoveled on top of him a long 15 minutes later his work began prying the nails from one side of the cheap coffin and breaking the boards to use as a shovel he started to dig himself out, the lights of a black SUV stung his eyes as he punctured the surface seeming to rise from the dead. reeking of body odor he made his way to the SUV. Pulling himself in the backseat he found a change of clothes and bottles of water waiting for him, changing his clothes quickly he began chugging the bottles of water down faster than he's ever done in his life then while chugging his fourth bottle of water, the privacy window that separated the front and back seat slowly begin to descend Matix saw two men one driving and the other in the passenger seat. He attempted to study the man sitting in the passenger seat as he turned slightly too as if to speak to him. But his only discernible feature the dark was a star running from his left eye down to his mid cheek the man began to speak "for reasons I don't and I'm sure will never understand my boss ypur investor has become fascinated with your so-called Talent. that is the only reason you are here instead of rotting away in that cell. I have for all intensive purposes have been assigned to babysit you to ensure his investment isn't wasted." "Here" said the man handing a large envelope to Matix "this is the information you requested the current address as they live together current photo of each of them and their approximate location for the time that we will arrive tomorrow" Matix opened the envelope viewing the content and smiling to himself. "After you finish your business we will board a private jet to your new employer location upon arrival you will be expected to fulfill the conditions you agreed to in the contract you signed six months ago" turning to look out his window before he could slip into his fantasy of revenge, the man interjected "oh one more thing my boss your investor advise me to remind you that your escape and accommodations weren't cheap should you fail to meet his high expectations, you'll wish you never left that prison" with that the man turn back around and rolled the privacy window back up locking it. left his thoughts Matix wondered how much the Free World has changed in the last 5 years chuckling with the realization that it didn't really matter turning his Focus to the girls after all he thought if you brand something, it belongs to you right? His last thought before drifting to sleep. Breaking News Matix Ryan found dead in his cell local news attempted to report only to recall the story and issue a quick apology siting unreliable sources. Matix woke to the unfriendly resentful voice of the man he called scar in his head due to not knowing the man's name as he hit the half rolled down privacy window while saying "we're here" speaking for the first time since he got into the SUV "a park" Matix sarcastically said. Angrily scar hissed "Get out and go fucking see for yourself asshole!" Hesitantly Matix got out of the SUV, he knew right where they were. Matix stood frozen hit memories he tried so hard to keep locked away he watched his wife Amelia and daughter Arrow stroll carelessly through the park laughing blissfully unaware of the predictor closing in. Helplessly Matix watched as they cross the street and walks four buildings up to home shopping bags up both arms, Arrow had just gotten into pre-med after all. As they disappeared inside Matix fast forwarded to his front room "no no no no not now" matix whispered clutching his head in his hands. He pulled himself from the memory slowly like trying to save himself from quicksand. Regaining his Focus Matix entered the park he slowly scanned each foot of the park. However he spotted the girls too late though realizing this he began pursuing them heart-pounding "fuck!" Matix hissed as he entered the parking lot to see a car speeding out of it. Running back to the SUV frantically "don't worry my men put a tracker on the car" scar boasted before Matix could say anything "well...then" a sick smile forming on his face "let the games begin." Matix said shutting the SUV door and speeding off. The sun felt warm on her back felt warm as she found herself slipping deeper into her thoughts how far they both his come Maria and her how.. her thoughts suddenly interrupted by Maria's frantic voice "Raquel Raquel" realizing then that Maria was squeezing her arm too tightly shaking her arm free Raquel hissed "what's wrong" noticing Maria's gaze was far beyond the playground "what are you look" stopping mid-sentence as her gaze met where Maria was looking suddenly Paralyzed by fear her mind is flooded with memories a blaring Car Alarm Broke Raquel from her paralysis, she then realizes he hasn't seen spotted them yet. they don't hesitate again. Maria grabbing the children while Raquel grabbed the bags and car keys. Quickly loading everyone and everything into the car, to be turning out of the parking lot just as he enters it. Continuous and cautious glasses in the rear view do little to ease Raquel's mounting anxiety. She suddenly becomes aware of how erratic she has been driving after running a stop sign and narrowly avoiding another car. Only two blocks from the children's home, the entire Drive had been silent until they approached the children's home "what the fuck"Maria blurts out unable to contain herself any longer "wait!" Raquel snaps before Maria can say anything else. Pulling into the driveway Maria nods and unload the children and their belongings walking them to the front door. Raquel waits in the car scanning the street for what felt like hours in reality was only around five minutes. After an awkward first conversation with the children's Mother Maria return to the car holding two envelopes. They reverse from the driveway and clocking out of the nanny app Maria breaks down "how did he find us? when did he get out? no how did he get out? why were we warned notified fucking anything?" tears streaming down her face "maybe we should call" unlocking her phone with lightning speed Raquel snatched Maria's phone from her and in one quick motion she threw her and Maria's phone out the window on the freeway angrily nearly screaming "are you serious tell me you aren't that fucking stupid" Maria looked down crying even harder. After a short silence Maria whimpered "where are we going to go? You remember what he said that he'd get out and he'd come for us that he had something special planned for us." Maria could feel metal chain around her neck and the smell of blood the unrelenting growl of the medical saw sends a chill through her as reality slipped from her grasp. When the doctor began his work no wait let me back up Maria said to the detectives after he takes you, you'd wake in a almost doctors office chained to a chair, your consultation would begin however the doctor wouldn't speak to you right away, he'd wait for you to wake up before warning you that if you tried to scream he would stitch your mouth shut and that's how it would stay for the remainder of your time there. His voice cold and uncaring then he would switch. back to a calm kind tone as he proceeded to tell you that his wife and daughter were murdered and the killer was acquitted after sloppy police work allowed The Killers lawyer getting him off on a mistake made by the police. He would attempt to comfort you in the fact that he was a real doctor and not just some crazy with a night school Dental Tech certificate he said now let's talk about you you have the Dane lips as my sweet amelia you along with the others whom you will meet very soon all have something I need to bring my girls back before you can react the doctor put a shot into your arm and everything went black the next time you would wake up a heavy chain was around your neck you are inside a cage with other women. "snap out of it !" Raquel now yelling after losing her patients "sorry" Maria said looking down again. Softly Raquel said "Maria don't we are going to be ok" They exited the highway to refuel and then returning to driving looking for a motel and to be off the road before sundown as the night begins to descend upon them they found just the place they were looking for maria and Raquel sat together on a shitty bed in a shitty hotel room in the Dark too afraid to even turn on the TV every noise they heard reigniting the mounting Panic they shared it while every bit of energy they had left was being used to keep themselves together as a reality of being hunted relentlessly by a monster who like machine wouldn't stop until he got what he came for. Eyes growing heavy Maria and Raquel could no longer fight the call asleep and they both submitted falling into a deep sleep.
we interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this breaking news the TV blared dr Matix Ryan was taken into custody today when SWAT performed a search of his home dr ryan was found in what police spokesman Roman Azul said police described as an in-home medical procedure, unfortunately the victim whose name is being held pending contacting the family didn't survive detective Mark Valente released a statement revealing that two years ago Ryan's wife and daughter were murdered there killer was acquitted do to mistakes made by the investigating detectives valente continued by saying the once well-respected and what some colleagues called a medical Visionary for his Innovative techniques and reconstructive surgery along with his Innovative techniques on limb reconnection even after the limb had been without circulation for long periods of time.Though money meant little to him as he spent most summers with Doctors Without Borders, on top of the over 30 million dollars in probono work he did her in the US. Ryan traveled all over the nation and abroad lecturing at universities and medical conferences teaching his techniques to the next generation of doctors he often said he wouldn't be around forever and someone needed to carry on what he started, since opening his practice in March of 2012 with his best friend Patrick Reed who released a statement earlier shocked and sickened by the axons of dr ryan along with his total disregard for the Hippocratic oath and wasting his gift and talent since losing his statement by saying after the death of his wife and daughter he became more and more erratic until he had no choice but to place dr ryan on paid medical leave citing mental and emotional distress are the 97 women Ryan captured only to serve orion's reign of terror is over stated the detective continuing dr valente detective Valente close his statement by confirming that the basement was the main area for the horrendous acts that took place turn up for the rest of our lives because that basement is what I imagined hell looks like keep it here channel 22 news you for the latest on this developing tragedy. "Raquel" Maria whispered, Sun peeked through the currents Raquel blankly said "time to go, we are going to travel in the day never!" Nodding Maria grabbed hers and Raquel's purse Raquel peeked out the currants to the parking lot and Road nearly 20 minutes later or tell gave the signal and they swiftly made their way to the car started it and we're off again or do you want the freeway they just drove no destination in mind only stopping at truck stops closest to the freeway the girls would get gas and food I had a larger truck stop they picked up toothbrushes toothpaste and a change of clothes a long careful to only use cash by Sunset they were once they once again sat locked away in a dark rundown motel room they had put well over 567 miles between them and home the distance didn't mean they were safe and now is not the time to become complacent she volunteered to take the first watch and Maria didn't object falling asleep almost instantly as her head hit the pillow. "Why the fuck haven't we found them Matox hissed he could feel the anger Rising his chest scar "shut the fuck Ryan" he yelled back "we will have caught up to them by tomorrow night just eat your food and Go the fuck to Sleep" turning back around privacy window before mats to reply him to Matix finished his fries and laying down he knew fighting sleep was pointless though he tried knowing when sleep came for him he'd only find nightmares waiting his eyes grew heavy and he could no longer resist sleeps call, spring from his sports car he threw the keys and a crisp $100 to the doorman with a dozen roses for each of his girls in his arms "it's already dr ryan big red bow and all" the doorman said catching the keys "thanks" "here's this for your troubles I have no doubts you made sure it was perfect" to the doorman smiling then hurrying through the door that Thomas held open.
© LullabiiSkye