

Do you even?(ep.7)
"when the bag came off I wasn't awake but I felt the breeze of cold air hit my face..and then a slap and then I woke up to see my sister standing in front of me, we were in a werehouse and there was someoe else who was there holding a tatto gun...then he started to put the same tattoos that my sister had on me! onnce he was done I asked my sister a question 'where are they" '"what?" "I SAID WHERE ARE THEY, I shouted at her because she was playing dumb" "what are you talking about?" "the rocks...they weren't where the worker was when you killed him and you killed him where the rocks were" "oh..you mean those...well if you guy's had actually looked then you would find that each and evry body had one of the rocks under them and if you remember that when 'we' built that rock pile I didn't actually touch any of the rocks all I did was watch and since you where those dumb hoodies all the time they won't know that it wasn't you" "your dumb honestly" "uhm I just killed a lot of people without the police knowing and mom was in on it to" "how?" "well remember that phone call?, well that was me about to kill that boy on the bike and she was just distracting you by telling you that you needed to 'wash your dish' and now your going to jail and im not" "well guess what nico..."

to be continued.....