

Passionate Night’s Wind (Chapter 2) (nsfw)
*caution* nsfw*
Chapter 2 - Passionate Night Wind
Helsinki took the crown, 6 games to 4, and they held hands as they walked toward the door. JaMarcus was beaten but little did he know the scope of his wounds. Their energy was so fresh and playful, so deeply connected and cool.
When they arrived at Helsinki’s car JaMarcus outlined his idea on how to take the night farther, Helsinki happily agreed to his charter. He grabbed his backpack and jumped in with Helsinki and guided her through the maze of lights in town to a lake called Shanty Haze.
Helsinki was gussied up to the T but JaMarcus was prepared to put her mind at ease with a change of attire and mud cleats. Moonlight and headlamps lit their way as they ventured on the path JaMarcus had paved earlier that day. Not much farther Helsinki, our spot is just over that bend, close to the water’s end.
Finally they arrived and Helsinki was instantly mesmerized. There was a tent staged with comfy amenities and a break in the tree canopy to see the sky easily. JaMarcus quickly lit a raging fire and they sat close-by watching its light dance in each others eyes, both sporting loaded smiles. It was too much for Helsinki to take, her mind and body had been craving a cure for her aches and she felt so drawn to his magic ways. She leaned in and JaMarcus met her half way. Their lips softly met, they slowly pecked and pecked; the heat quickly becoming unchecked. He put a hand behind her head and one on her leg as their kisses became wetter and more intense. Their tongues were flailing around each others mouths, the energy ultra routh as he began massaging her pouch. She unleashed a few sharp moans in between fast kisses, thinking man this guy never misses! JaMarcus stood up and led her by hand to the airbed in the tent. Interrupting passionate kissing only to end being clothed, finally they lay down, both souls now exposed. He switches from kissing her lips to her neck, slowly with his tongue making sure every inch is checked. While holding each others hand, JaMarcus kisses his way to her holy land and executes stage two of his plan. Slowly licking her back and forth, out and in, feeling the abundance of her juices saturating his chin, he unlatched one hand to help cement her win, slowly inserting it in her cave and spinning. All of Helsinki’s pain was gone in that instant, the moans from her depths were heaven sent, carrying her worries away in the passion of the night’s wind.
© QuantumCDub