

We grew up together and decided to take the same profession. He was such a gentle, kindhearted, handsome and lovely young man.

It happened when someone invited us to a birthday sit out around Oron town. We went together, had some drinks...and even though he was tipsy, he was conscious and aware of his environment. Clock ticked and it was time to go, and then suddenly, a search party from the police.

They were chasing after a notorious cultist and kidnapper named Uliong. He was so deadly hence, the pronouncement of a shoot at sight order. As they men in the uniform made their way in, all we heard were sporadic gunshots. We all scampered, running for our dear lives. When the atmosphere was calm, I set out in search of my dear friend. Behold, I found him in his pool of blood...it was a mistaken identity.

My friend gone, just like that?

The police had left, leaving his motionless body to be fed to scavenging birds. What should I do? Leave the body too? No! Esio was such a dear friend. I'll have to deposit his body in a mortuary and get his family informed. The pain in my heart is rattling and excruciating. I just lost a dear friend.

The police in their usual fashion will do everything to cover their mess... What will their plan be? Will Esio be given a negative toga? Or will I be named an accomplice?

Find out in the next part!

My name is Joshua Osung, and I am a story teller.
© Joshua Books