

My first love is a serial killer part 7
For a week we lived for a family but then the assignment ended. Are grade was the highest grade ever made in the school. Matt went back to live in the jail and I went back to my boring life at home. Matt an I still hanged out but things where still boring. Little by little Matt's guard started to give Matt some space. All the girls started to hangout around Matt but Matt still only wanted to talk with me. After a few weeks Matt's guard stopped coming and Matt was free. They still picked him up at the end of the day and took him to jail. Matt was more happier like he was more free. Out of nowhere I was called to go to court for Matt's sentence. I went like Matt begged me to go for him. There where only 7 days until his court day. I was really worried but I never let Matt notice. I felt like I was being watched somedays but I didn't care much. The 7 days passed quickly and it was Matt's court day. I'm in the court room right now. Matt's lawyer wasn't that good and the court room was empty. There where only 10 people in the court room. None of Matt's family members came. "Zack Moss please step up to the court." The jury said out of nowhere. I was confused so I pointed at myself. The jury nooded his head yes and I walked up.

© the unknown