

Farewell Sun
"Farewell Sun"

I placed my hand on top of his palm, sitting dumbfounded on a chair abreast his bed as my senses get a fill of him —the warmth of familiarity, the smell of pine and wild airs, his redeeming eyes and their abundance of light, the sight of his lips tired from its constant yet unfailing smiles.

"Can I sleep now, Luna?" he spoke with a gentle cadence I'm used to hearing whenever he bids me goodnight. The voice of a serene sea promising a safe journey ahead.

A bleak nod was all I could muster, my mouth unwilling to respond. I swallowed the lump forming on my throat and for the second time, with a simulated confidence, I nod again. "Y-yes... You may sleep now, Sol."

Squeezing my hand he said, "I'll wait for you there, alright?" I nodded once more, surprising myself with my sudden tenacity. My countenance must have looked brave at that moment for his face visibly relaxed. He nodded, too. It was as if we're in cahoots. "You try to have fun without me, okay?"

And then I saw it— his smile as it unhurriedly left his lips, his eyes as the light in them slowly dissipated. The resolved I thought I have crumbled to the floor with the finality of his departure.

I realized, there and then, you'll know, you'll just know when a soul has finally departed.

I saw it, I saw it leave. I saw it leave Sol's side of the bed.

©Oli Pender

#Moon #Sun #Goodbye