

At 3 am.
I was woken up by the noise of utensils from the kitchen. It was 3 am. At first i thought it must be the rats. But then i saw the kitchen light was on. I got up from the bed and looked for my bat so that i can use it to save myself from the thief.I saw refrigerator's door wide open. I slowly darted my eyes around the kitchen but i was unable to find anyone there. I realised that the door of washroom was also open then i got an idea that the robber is there and he has taken things from the fridge. I slowly checked the washroom but he wasn't there.I was thinking were he could be. Suddenly i felt someone's hand on my shoulder and i was about to scream as the bat falled on the ground and i thought the thief will kill me but then i heard a voice of my younger brother he asked didi what are you doing here? Instead of answering him I asked him what are you doing here? Don't you know there is a thief in our house who had kept the lights of kitchen on, have also robbed some food and also left washroom's door open. He must be there anytime. He laughed and said innocently didi it was me as i was feeling hungry there is no thief. I got a little angry but then i too laughed at my situation.
© syed shabnam