

Loving Forever
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...

My wish to love forever, it's unlikely to achieve. Perhaps difficult to believe. For me that's the purpose of faith. To believe the unseen. Without the interference of doubt. Never actually coerced to do things you really don't want to do. So exercise your rights to do as you want, the choices are up to you. Loving forever creates a lofty mental space. Which moves beyond the here and now, loving forever will rest in a suitable place. Where a strong stepladder from earth enters the galaxy where weightlessness thrive. Faith as multiple connections on earth and above the sunrise. Faith seems to be condition on everything, turning out alright. Faith has a kindred association with meditation. Both exists, only you can determine which. One or the other. Two extremes linked vaguely to one another. Faith is my willingness growing especially in the heart and soul. I am willing to unfold, experiences connected to grace, immediately becoming the appearance of faith. I walk with faith. And I certainly live by faith. There are some people who are unwilling to believe. I can imagine my consciousness is on fire, when the hot embers of faith returns an amazing grace. I've seen it many times before, faith becomes my love. (loving) forever.
© Daniel Mason