

The last minute
Escape room challenge:
You have only two choices, either save yourself via the overhead duct or lift up your injured friend and send him through instead.
And you're running out of time... The building will be ruins soon. So I decide send him through instead. I just forget the idea that I possibly die; for just looking hope, I go to the room next door, RII-23 to take the box Round2B, the hope of cure the virus. Coming back, I hear coming close the zombies. The rescue team was shout at me to come over fast, another helicopter will blow the place with bombs; just a minute remain. Thanks to tall tables of laboratory and a chair, the rescue women got my arms, duct was built easy to escape by the logic of reasons, run to the roof; flying away of the great, more big Institute of Virus of the Globe. That same minute getting away I remember memories while the building just got in a big cloud of fire and dust.
© SirenaBoricua