

The Monster
The cry was faint, still I heard the sound loud and clear as I walked past the dark bushes in the cave. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source of the noise.

Never doubting my instincts, I picked up my pace and began to walk farther away from there.

I did not know where I was; could only notice the dark eerie cave that surrounded me.

Silently looking for a means of escape, I tried to remember what happened to me last. All I could remember was getting onto my bed and dozing off.

Suddenly, a shrill cry erupted in the cave and my heart jumped as I quickly hid in the bushes.

Wondering what it was, I used my hand to cover my mouth in order to prevent me from making a noise.

Then I waited.

Though the cave was dark, I could still feel the presence of a being. And as it walked towards me, I covered my mouth tightly as my eyes widened in fear.

It was impossible. It wasn't real.

Standing just a few feet away from me, stood an eight foot Grock monster. Its wooden frames were bathed in blood, and I could swear that a limb hung off its jagged mouth. The holes it had for eyes were more piercing than the darkness that surrounded us, and it was a strange view, yet in no way surprising.

After all, this was no strange being.

It was the elfin God of death.
© Naomi Obasi