

Life's Jane
Once upon a time Jane, one girl that left her little city to work in a family house.
Jane was just eighteen years old and worked like housekeeper. In that house everyone liked her so much. Sometimes they had vacations and also take Jane to go with them, and she liked that a lot, Jane was just like part of the family. In one of those travels, they went to Bahia, Salvador in Brazil, where she just met her future husband, he worked at the hotel that Jane and her "family " stayed in. Sometimes Jane had a lot of conversation with that man called Jean.
One year later, Jean goes to Ceará, also in Brazil where his parents live, and he and Jane saw each other again. They started to date same months later, and then she decided two left her job to live whith him, but he was still living with his parents, that was not a problem for Jane, because she already loved him. Three months later Jane was gain weight, and sometimes she felt dizzy, so her boyfriend's parents took her to the hospital, and the doctor said that she was pregnant, her in-laws loved it. When they arrived at home Jean was there, and asked where they have gone. His parents said that they were at hospital and had a new for him. They told him that Jane was pregnant, but he didn't like the idea, because they were too young and he said that he doesn't want that little child was coming.
His parents said that they had to get married and as they were living with them, they was obliged to follow their rules.
As they hadn't a place to live, they followed the rule and got married.
Some months later he got excited with the idea to have a child, then they went to the doctor to discover the baby's sex, then they decided to not reveal it yet, just wanted to know in the baby's birth.
Some months later was born their child, a little girl, that his father wasn't proud a lot, because he wanted a boy.
With the birth of the girl, he said to Jane that he saved all his money and now they have a place to live. So they went to live in their own house.
Some months later, they started to talk about another child, couse Jean wanted a lot to have a son, Jane agreed and one year later, she was pregnant again, but this time they a had a big surprise, it was twin , and Jean was excited again, because he wanted a boy and that time could be two boys, but when the babies were birth, it wasn't boys, were two little girls. He started complaining because he really wanted a son, but he got used with the idea to have daughters. Two years later, they were happy, anand everything was going on very well with them.
Some days later, Jane started to pass out, and Jean was very worried about her, then he called his mother and took Jane to the hospital, the doctor examined her and said that she was pregnant. Jean was happy again and he didn't expected to have boy that time.
He was worried because their house wasn't big enough for one more child. Some months later, he got more worried because was not just one child, were two children, but for his surprise were two boys.
Jean couldn't hide her happiness, he was so excited.
Months later the children were born and they were happy, but Jean not at all, because their house wasn't big enough to live seven people in it. But Jane was always positive and said that they would find a solution.
Some years later, they decided that the children would be with his parents so Jane also could work to help him to bring food to home.
Jane got a job and both saved money during four years and renovated the house, making it bigger for children.
Some months later, Jean said for Jane to leave her job as both already had achieved their propose of renovate their house. Jane didn't agree at all, but she accepted, by the way she wanted rise her own children.
Some years later , when her first daughter got 12, Jane decided to work again, because the children got at school during all day, and she started to work and got a work for jusjust a half day, that was perfect so she could also take care of home after her job and Jean agreed.
Some years later, Jean left his job, what he earned wasn't enough to pay schools and buy food. So Jane found another job while Jean was looking for one.
Every work Jean found was temporary, but he got to help his family, and the children always stayed with his parents until they get back from job.
Some years later, they was happy again, even if the money they were earning was just to feed them.
During some years they were just living an ordinary poor life. Jean started to go out with his friend and started to drink, that was fine for Jane, in her head he needed some fun with his friends. Over the years, her husband got addicted to drinks , he left his job, and were always drinking. Jane wasn't happy anymore and she started to complain with him about the situation, but he was too drunk to pay attention about what he said.
Both were not working anymore, Jane needed to take care of their children and his husband were too busy drinking, and their situation wasn't good, they needed clothes, shoes and also food.
Jane started to ask help for their neighbors, but she just asked food for their kids, nothing else.
Jane wasn't happy with the situation and then she asked for job in a market in front of her house's street. The owner didn't want, but Jane knew the wife's owner, so he gave her a job.
Jane was finally happy because she could at least feed her children and then she started to save money for the future.
One day, one of her children got very sick, so Jane needed to take that money to buy the medicine, but when she was take it, the money wasn't there, she got desperate, but she knew that was her husband.
So she kept calm, went to the pharmacy and told the situation to the pharmacy's owner, and the owner gave her the medicine for her child.
When she arrived at home, her husband was there, and he asked her who gave her the medicine if she hasn't money.
She kept silent and gave the medicine to her child until him got sleep.
Jean was so insecure, and said that her lover gave the medicine to her child.
Jane said: It wasn't my lover or affair, it was your friend, the owner of the pharmacy.
Jean was too jealous but without reason. Then Jane said to him that she was really ashamed with the situation she was living . Jean didn't like what Jane said and then he slapped her face. And then they had her first real fight.
With over the months that was worse than before, but Jane always was there 'cause her children.
Then one day when her first daughter was going home from her friend's house, she saw her father cheating her mom, he was kissing another woman.
When she arrived at home, she said, mom, I don't know how to tell you, but I saw daddy kissing another woman in front of others people, she didn't believe at the first time. Then Jean arrived at home one hour later, and she asked where he was, he said that he was at his friend's house. After that, he went to take a shower, dhe saw a lipstick mark in his shirt, she asked again and he said the same, then she ask him about the lipstick mark, he just said the he didn't know.
Jane was furious, started to cry, he was still smelly drinks, then she said I can't live like this, I deserve respect and your children too.
He didn't like again and slapped her face again, she tried to stop him, but he got more aggressive, it was night, the children have heard the noisy of the ir fight, and then he said in front of the children that he would kill her.
The children got scared and embraced their mom.
Jane then said that 's enough! Our children deserve something better then this...
Some days after, he got aggressive with her without no reason, and then he started to say she was cheating on him, every time they went to bed he always told her not to sleep because he would kill her, and the children heard that too, and he said it over and over, several nights.
She was scared, but she was strong for her kids.
Other day he was drunk again, and arrived at homehome more aggressive than ever , she asked him what happened and he started to slapper her . She was full of marks and she finally decided to report it, he was not arrested for assault, but it was decided by the court that he could not get close to her.
Some months later he approached her, he asked her apologize and she accepted, and he said that would be different if her accept him again, she gave her another chance, but that happened for more two years.
One day her sister from Rio de Janeiro called her, asked about her life and she told her everything.
Her sister then said, come to live with me, I give you food , home , everything you need, then you work and you can bring your children to live with you .
Her sister bought the airfare and in the next day she traveled without saying nothing to her husband and she promised to her children that she would take them to live with her in one year if they want to, they said yes.
During that year , the children were living with their grandparents, and Jane was working during days and nights to have her children with her.
Jane got the money and brought her children to live with her.
Nowadays all her children got good jobs, two of her daughters went to the University and have the best job. They still live with their mother, they said that she made a lot of sacrifice to have them with her, so they are also happy, and will just left home only when they get married.

Writer: Gessy the unknown

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