

Blame Game.
Why do we often look for someone to blame whenever there's a problem,?
It's actually a blame game on life this way, A corrupt mind's nuisance who has a favorite or habitual resort of providing life, a terrific stomping grounds,
and blaming an innocence or pure mind who has the habit of creating several lifetimes' worth of inspiration, as this is a simple and an elegant thinking style, it's judged in the name and blame of immaturity, the blaming mind is so smart that it tries to hide it's misdeeds in the name of immature mind, coz the maturity which matures them, is the name & fame a full fledged game to give life a real claim, moreover at the cost of immature brain, so much complications in life, is a real immaturity, it's not an easy phase to understand for a straight forward mind, but yes, a maturity says, you can't tag a goodluck frame, from the very quick blame.But God, is there to letter every alphabet of effort or pure deeds and every essaying of misdeeds or nuisance, as God knows how the immature mind or childish behavior tried the level best, to give an elegant meaning to life, God has a sum total of every karma's summary, but yes,"Kickbacks of life" should be given as a mandatory version, by all the seasoned scientists of life like me.🧛‍♀️

© Mishra Poonam