


Days have gone by...
After that incident, I didn't get the chance to meet Cherry.
Finally, the Warrens group invited us to a party.
At that event, they will announce the winners.
Everyone was excited.
Then the day arrived. The Warrens were conducting programs
at the royal hall. I forgot the fact that the Warrens are the famous royal family related to the London throne.
Who is the CEO anyway? It has also been a mystery for the past 5 years.
I hide my identity behind my company, and in the business world, I am known as Megan.
So everyone is thinking that my uncle is the CEO.
My dad and uncle were the ones leading the company while I was studying.
I do secret business dealings with other companies.
After the Warrens, my company is the second most powerful group.
However, I am now just pretending to be the company manager. No one even knows the real identity of Megan.
Everyone is getting ready. I bet it will be a huge showdown for sure.

Today, I received a parcel and inside was a box. I also received a letter that said:


That's all that was in there. I don't know who sent it, but I know it was Cherry. So, I decided to wear what was inside. My entire family left for a party, and I am the only one remaining here. I planned to arrive late. Vodka stayed to help me get ready. Vodka also dressed up and she looked very beautiful. With my stunned expression, Vodka pinched my cheeks and said, "My lady, it's your turn."

Then, I wore a black gown and a special necklace that was part of our family tradition. I untied my hair and put on my branded slippers, which matched my dress. Vodka applied simple makeup to my face. When I looked in the mirror, I saw someone else. I asked my reflection, "Is this really me?" Vodka smiled at me and replied, "Yes, the new branded one." I couldn't help but think about my past self. I used to wear glasses, always tied my hair, and never wore anything girly. Richard always called me ugly, and I thought he was just teasing me. But it seems that wasn't the case. There were days when I doubted my looks and thoughts. After the breakup with him, I even thought maybe I was wrong and Richard was right. But now, things have changed. I love the way I am and I have accepted myself. That's a big accomplishment. So, I agreed with Vodka's words and confidently looked at my reflection in the mirror. Yes, it's time for me to shine. I said to Vodka, "Let's go," and I dragged her with me to the car.

Finally, we reached our destination: the royal hall. It was one of the most famous occasions in the country, and only the high-class society could enter. The party was about to start, and as I looked around, I noticed there were many bodyguards and royal soldiers present. I asked if the queen was attending the party, and Vodka confirmed that she was. I was stunned and couldn't imagine how big of a show this would be. Then I saw the media struggling to interview the business tycoons. It was the first time I had seen so much of this, and it made me feel nervous. But now things had changed.

"Lady, should we head in?" Vodka asked me.

"Yes," I smiled at her.

When I entered the crowd, the media flashed their cameras at me. I stood confidently in front of them as they asked questions, and I replied quickly before moving on.

Inside the royal hall, I felt like I was inside a castle, attending a royal ball. It was like Cinderella coming to meet the prince. However, I wasn't here to meet a prince. I walked towards the crowd, and some people looked at me in awe. I overheard whispers saying, "Wow, that lady is gorgeous. Should I invite her on a blind date?" I smiled at everyone and walked away. But when I turned back, I couldn't find Vodka. I was shocked to realize that she had left me.

Soon, I was surrounded by some business tycoons and hot guys. I politely ditched them and started searching for my family and company members. Surprisingly, I couldn't find them.

What is this?
Is this how you treat me? I heard a familiar voice shouting like this.
Then I saw media and crows murmuring.
"Nancy... Help me..." he shouted.
When I looked to the side of the hall, I was surprised.
Richard, my ex, was being dragged by some bodyguards.
The police were also there.
"You traitor, let go of me, we are over," Nancy shouted at him, then slapped him in the face and left him alone.

I could see Cherry smirking at him.
Then I walked towards them.
When I got there, Cherry smiled at me. Then I looked at Richard. He was furiously looking at me.
"What happened?" I asked Cherry.
"Well, someone broadcasted the crimes of the R Group CEO.
Now his company went bankrupt, and he tried to pester my boss. Surprisingly, he kicked him out," he giggled at me.
I looked at Richard with a smile.
Then I got closer to him and whispered, "This is just the beginning, Richie. The rest of your life, you're going to spend inside jail."

"Damn you!" he shouted at me, then the police dragged him out.
Cherry looked at me with amusement.
"I know it could be you," he told me, holding my hands furiously.
"Finally, he got what he deserves," he exclaimed.
It is true that the anonymous informer was none other than me. One day, I received a secret email containing the details of Richard's crimes. It was shocking.
He had so many illegal dealings and cheated on his girlfriend too.
I was even shocked. Without hesitation, I reported them with a fake ID. I thanked that unknown email.
With all this fuss and thought, Cherry dragged me into the main hall. All these incidents happened outside of the hall.

Inside the hall, I saw many people. They looked like movie stars, pop stars, and social media influencers. I even saw my favorite idols there. Most importantly, I saw the premiere and the general. I couldn't imagine how the Warrens became so powerful. Cherry was busy talking nonsense, and I didn't pay attention to him. Then, in the front, I found vodka, my family, and my uncle. They were being treated like VIPs. I was surprised to see that. However, when I tried to go near them, Cherry held me back and said, "You stay with me." I gave him a suspicious look and tried to talk to him, but suddenly, I was interrupted by an announcement.

The huge stage and lights were pointed towards the center, and a lady with a microphone appeared. She welcomed everyone and announced the programs. Then, she invited some guests to give speeches for the inauguration. Finally, she made the following announcement:


Then, lights pointed towards me. I was shocked and looked at the person standing near me. It was none other than the guy with blue eyes.

"What the... When did he get near me?" I thought. I hadn't even realized that he was standing so close to me. I was frozen, and then my heart started beating again, going crazy. He smiled at me, and with that shocking sight, he smiled at everyone and walked away in a stylish manner. Cherry was shouting his name, and I was still confused.

"Zack..." I spelled it unconsciously, recognizing the familiar tone. So, he is the mysterious CEO after all. The entire crowd cheered for him. He began to talk about his successful life story, saying,

"Welcome everyone. My name is Zack Warren. But before I tell my success story, I would like to introduce the person who motivated me: my mother. She is my inspiration because she is the strong woman I first met. She had to face all hardships for her dream, and she achieved it without compromise. She is the one who taught me many life lessons. I would like to introduce my mother, Queen Zena Alexander Warren."

Stunned by his words, I saw a beautiful and proud lady entering the stage. She looked like a middle-aged woman, but she was very beautiful. A crown shined over her head, and she smiled at everyone. Everyone greeted her with respect. It was shocking to realize that he was a little prince and the future heir to the country. I was surprised to see Zack's blue eyes on her. So, he got them from his mother.

After that, they both inaugurated the function. I must say, both of them are shining on the stage. I heard about the queen; she was the only daughter in the family. As per the family tradition, only male heirs have the power to rule. But she fought for her own identity and became a capable ruler. No wonder he is also like her.

While watching them, my uncle came near to me, and we had a conversation like this:

"Yes, uncle?"
"What do you think of him?"
"What do you mean, uncle?" I looked at him suspiciously.
"Well, I am just asking for fun."
"Do you want to tell me something?"
My uncle had a mysterious smile.
"Well, uncle, why is he so familiar?"
"That's because he is my son."
"What?" I shouted.
"He is your son?"
"Yes," he smiled at me.
"Well, sweety, did you forget something important?"
I was thinking deeply in disbelief.

Then suddenly, we were interrupted by the announcement:


I was shocked. The lights pointed at me, and the people were clapping with full of cheers. My uncle smiled at me and encouraged me, saying, "Go and shine, sweety." Then I looked at the stage and saw Zack and his mother looking at me. Slowly, I walked towards them. While walking there, I saw my dad cheering for me and my workmates, everyone cheering for me. I also saw Cherry waving his hands, and I smiled at him. Then I entered the stage, and the queen came near to me.

Suddenly, there was another announcement. It went like this: "WE WOULD LIKE TO AWARD MISS STELLA MEGAN AS THE BEST BUSINESSWOMAN OF THE YEAR." I was surprised to hear that. I didn't even expect it. Then the queen awarded me. The entire media took my pictures and broadcasted the show. I thanked them politely. In that moment, I felt proud. I saw my dad and mom wiping their tears, and I rushed towards them and hugged them tightly.

Finally, the function ended well. But before that, the queen came personally to me. She held my hands, and I looked at her with surprise. Then she told me, "You have grown up as a beautiful lady. Well, we will meet again." Before I could say something, she was already gone.

I stared blankly. I didn't understand how the hell the queen knew me. And Zack is my uncle's son? It seems like my entire family knows the queen as well because I saw my mom hugging her like a long-lost friend. My mind filled with confusion and frustration, and I walked away from the occasion hall.

I would say Royal Hall is such a wonderful place by the beachside. There is a small beach area near there. The sea breeze touched my long hair and my face. Then I think about the past five years of my life. I was like a shy, introverted girl who only loved to talk to Cherry and my family. When Richard came into my life, I did so many stupid things just to get his attention, even though I didn't like them. The fact is, he didn't even accept me. I just want to be myself, that's all.

Suddenly, I feel someone standing behind me. That feeling again. I turned furiously and was surprised to see it was Zack. We had a conversation like this:

"Congratulations," he told me.
"Oh, thank you."
"I didn't expect to know that you are the Queen's son."
"Oh, really?"
"Why? Because you're curious about me, Ella?"
"Wait, what did you call me?"
"Ella, I called you Ella."
"Wait, how did you know my nickname?"
"Your dad, uncle, and Cherry would call you that, right?"
"Yeah... Yeah."
"But you don't know anything about the fourth person who also calls you that?"
" Are you telling me you are the fourth person?"
"What if I am?"
"Excuse me, I didn't even know you! Have we met before?"

"Really, Ella? You don't know me?" he asked me furiously. I looked into his blue eyes, which were filled with sadness and possessiveness. Why am I being so helpless in front of him? My body, my mind, everything is going against my will. What is this feeling? I thought. Whenever I see him near me, I have the feeling that I lost something very important. Sadness and craziness. I don't know why. Those blue eyes of his are killing me.

I tried to avoid him, but Zack came near me and touched my face. Surprisingly, I didn't even resist. He told me, "Look at me, Ella. Look into my eyes. Tell me, what do you see there? Then remember me."

I could feel his desperation from those words. The sorrow in him even gives me pain. In a daze, unconsciously, we both kissed. Then, we passionately kissed each other. I couldn't hold myself, and neither could he. After a long time, out of breath, we both stopped, but it was only to take another round. While kissing, some memories passed through my mind. I tried to remember them slowly. When we were tired, we both stopped. He hugged me tightly, and I hugged him too. My hand wrapped around him. He closed his eyes, and I rested on his shoulder. Then, I told him, "I am so sorry to forget you, Ace..." With excitement, he hugged me tightly. "I am glad," he replied. Then, we walked towards the royal hall. He kissed my cheeks and walked away from me with a smile.

Then, I met my family. Dad and Uncle came near me. "Are you okay, sweetie?" Uncle asked. "Yes, I am," I smiled at them. "What happened to your face? It's red. Are you having a fever or something?" My mom came near and asked me. She touched my forehead and measured my temperature. I looked at them with surprise. Then, Cherry came near me and chuckled at me. "You don't look like you're sick. Did something good happen?" he asked. I blushed in front of him. That's when I remembered what I did with Zack. I pushed Cherry and walked away from everyone with an excuse.

After driving my car for an hour, I reached my house. I changed my clothes and took a bath. Then I got on my bed and rewound all the things that happened to me. Then I remembered Zack, how did I meet him? It all happened before my high school life.

I met Richard in high school, but before settling down here, my family was actually from England, the land of King Arthur. There, my father was just new to the business field. My mom was pregnant with my younger brother, and I was 14 years old. I hadn't even met my uncle, but Vodka, my father's best friend, was also with him. That was the time on my 14th birthday when I met my uncle for the first time, along with Ace, my first secret love.

At that time, he wasn't Zack Alexander Warren. Ace was the name given to him by my uncle when he introduced him to me. I didn't even know about his mom; he was raised by my uncle. Then I met them. For my uncle, he was a troublesome teenager. Ace was 18 years old, and to him, I was just a kid. He saw me as an annoying brat. But what surprised him was my special bond with my uncle.

His mesmerizing blue eyes were always my weakness. I often wondered what he was hiding in there. I teased him a lot and troubled him a lot, but at that time, I didn't know how I fell in love with him. But we do have a special bond together. However, things started getting interesting when I met Cherry, my best friend for the first time. He is the same age as Ace, considerate, and energetic. Actually, Cherry's real name is 'Noble Eden Megan', but I don't like his name, so I named him Cherry.

We played together and shared every important detail about our lives. Our friendship is amusing to everyone except Ace. From that moment onwards, he started acting weird and even showed his possessive side towards me. It's true that Ace was popular among his age group, and I saw girls drooling over him at many family functions. They were even dying for his attention. But that guy being possessive about me, he began to engage in huge fights with Cherry. Of course, I sought justice for Cherry and would interfere in their fights.

One day, things were getting out of hand. There was a business function and everyone in the Megan family was attending. During the party, they had a special guest, but I didn't pay attention at that time. I was busy with Cherry, we were eating snacks and having fun. Cherry was my partner throughout the whole time. However, suddenly the atmosphere changed and Cherry and I looked towards the hall.

Then, I saw Ace with a girl. She was very pretty, and most importantly, they looked like a couple. That view killed me inside and I felt heartbroken. I saw how intimate they were and my family was supporting them. Cherry understood my pain and consoled me.

From that day onwards, I avoided Ace. I didn't let him see me. Whenever he came home, I would go to Cherry's home instead. I even refused to talk to him and cut off all contact with him. My family thought we had a huge fight. Ace even wondered what happened to me and inquired about me. He even brought things I liked, but I refused them.

After 3 months, it was the festival day with my family. Everyone gathered there, and I overcame my pain and was ready to face everything. As I expected, he was also there with that girl. When he saw me, he came near to me. At that time, I ran towards Cherry and stuck with him. I just glanced at him, and he seemed kind of shocked. However, I completely avoided his existence. I knew he also felt that. That night, Cherry gifted me my favorite sweet. I felt so happy that I kissed him on the cheek with happiness, in front of everyone. Cherry smiled at me. Then, one of my family members commented on our marriage. After that, I finished my favorite sweet and walked towards my room. Suddenly, I was pulled by someone. I was surprised to see that it was Ace. Then, I tried to pass him, but he forcefully held me. I gave him an angry look. Then, I saw his blue eyes raging with anger and jealousy. Seeing his expression for the first time, I was amused. Then, we had a conversation like this.

Are you serious about marrying Cherry?
What? Marrying Cherry?
Yes, the elders almost decided to set up your engagement.
Yes, so are you serious about marrying him?
What if I am?
No, you can't.
What are you saying, Ace?
Didn't you hear me? You can't marry him.
My life is none of your business, Ace. Go back to your girlfriend.
Girlfriend? Who?
What the hell, did you hit your head or something? The girl who accompanied you.
You're talking about Zaya?
Whatever, go back to her.
Pfft, silly, that's my sister.
With disbelief, I looked into his eyes.
Trust me, Ella, that's my sister.
So what? I am not your priority. Just leave me alone, Ace.
It all happened because of your stupid kiss.
What did you say?
Yeah, why did you kiss him?
That's my choice. It had nothing to do with you.
Oh really? I have nothing to do with that?
Yeah, I told him furiously.
Then suddenly, he pinned me against the wall.
I was stunned and looked into his eyes.
Again, the feeling of mysterious blue eyes.
He grabbed my neck. I was frozen for a moment. Then his lips traveled to a mole on my neck, and he kissed me there, then gently bit me.
I shook at that feeling. It gave me a gentle feeling. At that time, I felt butterflies in my stomach.
He kissed me on my cheeks, then whispered in my ear, "You are my property. If you dare to kiss anyone in front of me, remember this mark."
I looked into his eyes. Now I understood how possessive he is, but at the same time, he is very gentle. I had nothing to say to him.
He smiled at me, then walked away.
That was the cutest love confession I got. I was so happy in that moment. I wished time could stop. But however, that was the last day I saw him.

Soon, Ace was taken by Warren's family. My uncle had issues with the Warrens, so he forced them to hand over Ace and Zaya. Unfortunately, he didn't get the time to meet us before he flew away to the US for studies. Clueless and in pain, I fell into desperation. However, I had Cherry, but l didn't know that something unfortunate was waiting for me here.

So we moved to this country, and I also entered high school. I met Richard, who cunningly pushed my beloved ones away from me. He even tried to hurt Cherry. Then, the rest of the things happened.

It's not like I forgot about Ace. I buried him inside my mind. Frustrated, I pretended not to know what happened to him. Whenever I saw his picture, I knew it was him. But the pain he caused me was huge, which is why I avoided him everywhere. When I finished my graduation and successfully came back for my company, I knew he was the one behind protecting my dreams. He followed me everywhere, pretending not to know me.

There was a war inside of us. The one who sent me the mail, the one who sent me the apology letter, I knew it was him. I sensed his presence from far away. He tried to fix our relationship with me. Then, without an explanation, I knew it well. I knew the bitter truth. Richard was my worst choice.

But Zack, he is the one I fell in love with long ago.

After 6 months, inside the central jail, I waited for him. Yes, it's time to meet him. I saw Richard behind the bars. When he saw me, he was shocked. I smirked at him. I could see his anger, his face showing how much he hates me. Then we had a conversation like this:

"What the hell do you want?" he shouted at me.

"Calm down, Richie. I told you it's just the beginning. It's really pitiful to see you inside jail. For your crimes, you should be in the black section," I giggled.

"Curse you!" he shouted again.

"Yes, curse me, Richie. Curse me as much as you want. I find it very satisfying," I smirked.

"Aren't you curious why I am here?"

"What do you want? Don't tell me you're here for my love. Aren't you that desperate?" he smirked at me.

"Oh, good expectations. Do you think I'm here for that crap of yours? That Stella died long ago, Richie. Here I stand as Stella Megan, the CEO of Megan Groups. You wished for my family's destruction, and now my family is one of the strongest in the country. My Megan Groups is the second largest and most powerful one. And one more thing, the most important: I am here to invite you to my wedding this coming month. And you know my groom as well, Zack Alexander Warren, the love of my life. I was so happy to have you, Richie, because of you my life has changed. But I pity you. You lost your love and your career. Your dad is also sharing the jail with you. Anyway, good luck with your prison life. And thank you for breaking up with me. Let's never meet again."

He fell down in front of me. His face showed how shocked he was. The police dragged him to jail. He shouted and made noises, but I didn't even listen. Finally, I closed that chapter. It's true that because of him, I made good choices. That's why I let you live. Live with all your regrets and never see the outside.

It's already sunset.
After that, I drove to my favorite place - the beachside. There he was, waiting for me. He smiled at me and I rushed to him, hugging him. We had a conversation like this:

"How did it go?"
"Well, what do you think?"
"You rocked it for sure."
"Oh, if it's for you, he would have been dead already."
"Calm down, Ace."
"How can I calm down? He did so many things to hurt you."

"Yeah, so what? He didn't succeed, right? Your girl managed to fix things, right?"
"Okay, okay. That's my girl."

We looked at each other, our eyes locked. When we were about to kiss, suddenly we were interrupted by someone.


"What the hell?" we exclaimed and looked at that person. It's none other than my best friend, Cherry, with him Zaya also there. I looked at them with confusion. Then we had a conversation like this:

"What the hell, Noble? You always interrupt my moments with Ella. I should kill you now," Ace was about to punch his face, but Cherry dodged.
Then he dragged me.
"Ella, tell him to stop fighting. Whenever I am with you, he makes my life hell," he told me.
I smiled at him and looked at Ace.
I could see Ace was so furious.

"Come on, let go of him," I told him.
But he scolded Cherry, while seeing that, I walked towards Zaya who came near to me.
"How are your days?" she asked me.
"I am super fine," I giggled at her.
I knew Zaya was the girlfriend of Cherry. While Ace and I were having fights, they both fell in love. Then we moved from England, Cherry lost contact. Then soon he found her and stayed with Ace's company. And helped Ace find me as well. At the end of the month, Zaya is getting married to Cherry.

I smiled at all the memories I had in childhood - Cherry, Ace, Zaya, Uncle, everyone. Suddenly, I was interrupted by Cherry's comment.

"It happened because Ella kissed me on my cheek when we were kids," he said.
"That's why you hate me, right?" Cherry smirked at him.

I saw the sudden change in Ace's facial expression, with Zaya giving me a teasing smile. I gave her an embarrassed smile and approached them.
"Both of you, stop fighting. Why are you guys so childish? Okay, I have a solution," I said.
I grabbed Ace's tie and kissed him on the cheek. He looked surprised, and I could see his ears turning red.
Then I saw Cherry and Zaya laughing at him and teasing him heavily.
After some time, Cherry and Zaya left us alone.

Ace and I sat in the car, watching the entire sunset. I leaned on his lap, and he started touching my hair. We had a conversation.

"What if we end up like your uncle and your mom?" I asked.
"We won't," he replied.
"My mom and dad didn't break up. They were still in love. For the sake of the future of our family, they pretended to break up. Everyone in our family knows that. When I take the crown, they will be together."

I was amused by his reply.
"Why do you love me, Ace?" I asked.
"I don't know the correct answer, Ella. What's your reason?" he replied.
"I don't know either," I told him. We laughed together.
"Let's go home, Ella," he said. I held his hand and replied,
"We smiled.

# "I don't know what will happen to my life, but as long as I have the people who love me and accept me, I will face whatever it is. Love is stronger than anything, especially self-love. I love myself. This is the new me after all, a new me with a new life."