

The upcoming deadly era!
Hey readers!Here are some lines describing todays world and imagination of tomorrow's situation.

Today world has changed a lot. Its not even similar to the treta( lord ram's period) or vyapar yug(shri krishna's period) because this is kalyug...
Earlier, killing animals is considered as sin
Today, not killing animals is considered as sin

Earlier, people used to worship the animal
Today, people show brutality upon them

This is what the reality is...
How cruel the human become!!
Thinking of the current situation....
The world is suffering from the corona virus . Not just the virus bt humans are also suffering from many life-threatening incidents like the heavy tsunami, change in atmosphere etc etc.

Why?Why Is it happening?

In the language of science this all are just the natural phenomena.
Of course they r!
Thinking of our own perspective, it is the cruel face of nature. The nature that gave us everything but what we return to it??
Is the ans is nothing?
No!! We returned many things to the nature that we even can't count
Some of the gifts given by humans to nature are - deforestation, pollution,
carcasses of her children( animals) and many more..
But do we really think that it's a nice gift to give anyone? Absolutely no.
So, taking this kind of gifts the nature will also react brutally like we humans do and that's what we her reaction made us to suffer.
Next part will be coming soon and that will be the imagination of our future.
Read the lines and give ur feedbacks. If you all will be interested then only I'll write the next part.

Thanks for reading----
© @A.t