

Everyday Is Opposite Day
It is the backwards version of monkey see monkey do! I say something or do something and everyone else will do and say the complete opposite. For example: If I say that I like something; other people will pretend that they hate the thing that I enjoy; even though they might like it as much as I do but instead they have to act as if they don't and try their best to make me feel bad by verbally cutting me down and emotionally terrorizing me; just for the simple fact that I like it.
Example number two: If I choose to sit at a table; everyone else will refuse to sit there with me even though they want to; but they can't because once again as usual; they believe that it is their job to make me feel lonely and feel as though I am less of a person. It is always a reversed response or a reversed reaction in return that is intentional and not coincidental. I must admit that this is one of the dumbest games in the entire universe!! Whoever created it is a jackass and needs to be popped in the head with a baseball bat until they have a concussion. What sane person would do this to someone every waking moment of their life!?? It is annoying as fuck but I almost forgot; these aren't really people that are doing this to me, so I probably shouldn't use the term sane or person in the same sentence. Reptilians, monsters, or demons is much more suitable!! They thrive on negativity and low self esteem. #reverse #opposite #flipthescript #twistaround #flip #fliparound #twist #monkeyseemonkeydo #playing #play
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