

Coming soon to a reality near you...
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?
She had a dream ..it started before the nightmare. She always wanted to be someone great .someone who makes a difference in this world 🌎 but what happens when her dream suddenly comes true but she becomes famous not for being great but the exact opposite of what she wanted..what if real life suddenly became a living nightmare that wouldn't end? What happens when you consume enough evil 😈 that it suddenly without warning becomes part of you. With all eyes on her there was no where to run no where to hide. There she was in the middle of the scene in the spotlight they all watched her every move. The first time she found out she was sitting in a junky getting hotel room that costed too much.. the window was broken, there was no shower curtain and she couldn't plug in the heater because the prongs on it were upside down.why would they make a plug in with prongs that were upside down? .. she thought it to be a little symbolic of her life as she sat in bed smoking a cigarette Ll of a sudden she began to hear clear voices of real people talking to her put of no where..she couldn't believe what was happening but she also realized that these voices were coming from actual people that lived in the world.. she wasn't crazy..the evil had found its way in through an open door and siezsd her life becoming part of it now.. welcome to the dead angel show.. the girl that they put in the spotlight to humiliate her.. she was already in a very rough place in her life lower than she ever imagined she'd be .. she had one night to figure out where she would go with no plan to fulfill she was doomed to walk the streets in the cold once again. This was her life now.. a strung out homeless drug addict.. deep down she desperately wanted a different life.. she had big dreams and huge goals.. She wanted to change the world. She wanted to make a difference and help people everywhere and live her life to serve God... she wanted to be loved and appreciated she wanted to matter to people in a way that was very special.. she had so many ideas of how to help people and wanted to use them to change other peoples lives.. If only she could have a shot to become the amazing woman she always dreamed of if only her life had been different if she had a different family if she had a mentor to guide her on the right path.. she wanted to make sure a no one ever had to go through what she went through to get to where she finally would be. Her tragic life gave her strength and the lessons she learned showed her how much people are hurting and need help.. she lived among the broken the lost the homeless and the forgotten ones that throught they would never amount to anything in their life that didn't matter. Deep down she still had a flicker of hope for her life that never died completely for long.. it always. came back to her and she knew it was her great God. She felt so worthless and alone but now she decideced that if she became sombody they and they made her life into a movie she would run with it. If they put her in a movie and made me the acter ill BE the acter ill be the greatest acter anyone has ever watched!! She was determined to fulfill her life of greatness one way or the other.. she would show them!!
© QueenLoveFromAbove