

Being Possessive
#shikha2000 #lifeiseasy #ifyoumakeit #followyoursoul #followyourdreams #Don'tchase #BeChased #helpingothers #DontJudge #dontgiveup

So, It's a story of a special friend whom I used to continuously watch for days I got introduced to her . She is a funny girl who can create happiness in everything she laughs and makes other laugh too at such small things .May be it can seem so common but my dear it's not . Her face had emotions which I saw from her soul . Not withstanding how much she might be found happy she had a fear,a hopeless hope,a pain that couldn't bear to come out.So,I asked her to speak her heart out one day. Keeping my words she didn't deny me and followed her heart just went through her problems,the hidden things inside her. That's what I could have done for her I gave her a sense of affirmation that she is benevolently strong a beautiful soul.
Guys,one thing more attractive I found in her was that despite being troubled by several thoughts and fears,She was a keen student who had a reamarkable dedication towards her way of studying which was a beautiful thing. Being a meltdown heart I had gone through several stories in my life only to give a sense of security and calmness to others having any life related problems unable to share with a heavy heart , I always did whatever small aor big I could do for them in any possible way. That's my way of surviving now and I was really loving that.I am not too self-motivated kind of people that never had problems , distractions,thankfully for there is no survivor on Earth living that way devoid of problems and fears.I had a bad habit of distracting at my studies. So, I asked her one day so what's the magic that makes her so dedicated towards her studies fighting of so many thicks and thins of life .She very simply answered me that what's the way of her life was she had her views that she might be not so beautiful, attractive,kind of idol or a follower to others life but she found that one way through which she can have a piece of worth or you can say a mere attractive personality that was through her dedicative study . She told me that Where ever or whatever problems she had gone through she never gave a damn neglection towards her studies,that was her self-power a beautiful thing to learn.She left me silent for minutes , I loved her for one more reason from that time.
So it's a message to every student,worker,or any survivor that you are required to understand that no matter how many thicks and thins you are going through just not let it trouble any important thing, part or a person of your life.
Please understand that's only the very way of getting sorted at each and every life chores.
Yes I know people are troubling a lot in this busy world to have time only for those near and dear ones. But please make time ,listen to people and let them listen you too.This can help people in a beautiful manner you can contribute towards making others learn new things from you and you too might learn thousand things you are unaware of.
Dedicated to that beautiful friend.God bless you.
Yours Shikha