


© Cameron G Wilson
I've always felt alone in my early life and sometimes I still do. Ever since since 8th grade I've been socially awkward due to hurt feelings,being picked on ,bullied. I started developing social anxiety around people in my school around family and even in public In school I would remember that I felt like everyone was talking about me my looks my hair my clothes,shoes,and even the way I talked my anxiety would get the best of me and I would start to sweat which would make it worse because 1 you could see it and 2 you could smell it this would give the people even more amuntion to get at me my mother was the best thing to help me she tried building me up but the next day at school I would break down all over again with that same fear.I would start to slack off in class not pay attention put my head down,sleep,fiddle with my phone which was affecting ME this affected me so much I had to attend summer school but this is not a sad story what I do know to help with my anxiety is to take breaths in those panicking moments focus on yourself more workout focus your mind take walks talk to someone you trust if you need to write reminders to yourself till this day I still have my anxiety but atleast I Know it won't overtake me.