

I always believed that beautiful things are never perfect........

I was living a "normal life" or I would say a life dependent upon the probable forseen reactions of all people in my life.
Everything was picture perfect, just like a fairy tale, obviously yes with some teeny tiny bad patches...
Nevertheless, those played an important role in making me the person I am today.
It is truely said that nothing grows in a comfort zone. And so was the situation with me I was just adding days to my life, living each day as it was passing by with a fair amount of possible risk and enjoyment.
But one fine day, You made a cameo in my life. And everthing just changed.... My 'picture-perfect' life became a roller coaster because you pushed me off the cliff.
You taught me to live life for my own self.
You made me question alot about myself.
You made me understand that yes Self Respect is important and you should take a stand for your happiness.
Now as we both wonder what would have we done in life without each other.... I just thank the Universe for making us cross each others path at the right time....
Yeah, I need to unlearn and learn alot of stuff but I know one thing that having you around me is the bestest.
It reminds me that how beautiful things are even if they are not Perfect.....❤️

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© Tanvi Dalvi