

Lord Altard's heart stopped. The Lord's body jerked forward. The heat in his body plummeted. The sticky wall that loomed over him encased him in fear. Altard turned away from it. He took deep breaths, hollow and loud in the silence of the alley. The dim sun rays barely left its lingering touch of light. The lord's feet clipped lightly against the muted cobble stone. Pain gripped his arm tightly. Squinting, Altard lifted his arm, blood trickled down from many jagged wounds.

He dropped his arms. His feet throbbed loudly from the many abrasions formed from walking barefooted for so long. In one of the deepest alleyways of Ashport, he felt fear encase him. The alley stretched down, cutting into different equally narrow paths. Altard casted a glance at the heap of charred substances that lay off to the side, assaulting his nose with the scent of ashes.

The chilly air and the humidity told him of the arrival of winter. He consoled himself, at this point most disgusting peasants would be too busy hoarding food for themselves to try to look for a noble. The tension in his body seeped away.

Altard ran a hand through his matted locks, his signet ring catching onto a ray of light. The lord's tattered tunic gave him no coverage against the chilly weather, but the cold felt better than where he last came from. He shuddered, waving off the goosebumps that trailed up his bruised arms. His guards would be almost here, waiting in hope that they could decode those letters. He beat himself up once again, wishing he hadn't taken a liking to the rebellers situation.

The Lord tilted his head back a bit, pushing down the queasiness in his gut. A whistle from the distance came from further down the alley. With that, his sense of safety shattered. His breaths rushed out in ragged gasps.

At intersection of the narrow paths, the sun's yellow rays cascaded down on Mallory. The black cloak shrouded her features with its hood. Confidence rang in each of Mallory's steps as Altard's alarm rose. He turned away as Mallory stepped out of the light. He clawed at the wall, moisture and moss finding his hands.

The hairs on his neck stood. The hollow footsteps resounded in Altard's ears. Altard stopped, turning back with a palpitating heart.

He was a noble and she was worth no more than the speck on his shoe. His guards would soon find him. Yet, the pressure smashed on his chest. His body remained immune to the wordless chants.

"Funny how life works." Mallory said, her abrasive voice burning his nerves. Altard flattened himself against the wall, the air taking a more frigid note. Mallory almost smirked, happy for the change in the noble. Although he couldn't, she could smell the char of flesh. A smell that would always accompany her killing spot.

"I thought a scholar such as yourself would grab a chance at greatness when it presents itself before you." Sunlight grazed the path she once stood slightly, the morning sun taking its stand. The white luminescence in her mind grumbled, impatient that she hadn't killed off this noble since.

"Your idea of greatness is despicable, I shouldn't be surprised since it's coming from filth like you." Altard's voice aired with confidence but his body continued to tremble. Mallory chuckled lowly, suprised that the noble could still talk. The fear that swished in him captivated Mallory, churning her stomach with a masked delight.

"I see your lot continue to act like the hypocrites you are. Do you know why I asked you to join us?" He didn't answer, the air around her unnerving him. The white luminescence racked, pushing against the barrier Mallory had set in her mind.

"Patience. I will take my time." She muttered, the embodiment of the dead elementalist now a mist in the corner of her mind. The crystal that held his soul dipped in the pocket of her thatched grey tunic. It jangled with the other signet rings of some other nobles. Mallory turned her attention back to Altard, a smile playing on her thin cracked lips.

"I believe you share common principles that we stand for. Your sole desire to achieve all your goals at all costs even if it means hurting your loved ones, now that is something of admiration. Despite what you say, you and I are both the same."

"I am nothing like you!" he spat in disgust, his saliva barely grazing her woolen boots. He looked beyond her daunting frame. Energy thrummed in Mallory's body, roaring like the blood in her veins. Mallory released the energy in light fumes, avoiding releasing in heavy spurts. The air took on a more chilly note, the temperature dropping to a tone seen usually deeper in the winter. A suprised look took hold of Altard's features as he began to shiver. Limbs shaking, hands enveloped around his chest, grasping on the little warmth he could. A thin sheet of frost marched up her neck at a snail's pace, reminding her of the danger of over using her ice.

"And to think we would have been partners," she raised her hands slightly. "I gave you a chance to be among those who would remake history. To be a part of a revolution that would leave a mark on this world-"

"Oh.... sa...ve y..our b..r.ea.th! Your sill..y rev..olut..ion w..i..ll go down with yo..ur disg..usti..ng lot." Altard jerked up, his body chattering as a light mist began to form around him. His heart leapt in his throat. His breaths foamed out in short husks of mist, adding to the thin fog.

"Do you know what I enjoy most about pesky nobles?" His eyes caught onto the puddle that once stood near him, now it had become complete ice. She leaned in, her midnight blue eyes swirling with deadly intent.

"The revolt in your eyes when you see people far below your lot achieve. I hope you can enjoy the show of events that play out when you're in your grave because I will enjoy every piece of it." Altard's eyes widened in fear. He fell to his knees with his chest pounding. The energy that thrummed in Mallory took a new tone. Electricity crackled within her, burning the sheet of frost with its heat. The white luminescence smiled, happy at the change. Mallory grabbed Altard's hair harshly. He writhed in her grip, weakly clawing at her hands. The energy fell to her arms, concentrating as blood roared in her ears.

"No....y..ou c-"

"Your time has come to an end human; I hope you enjoy the other side." Then she released the huge spurt.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. So, how do you see it?

© No works of mine should be published without my permission