

Great Haste
Loud panting can be heard from behind me even though looking back to see nothing, not that he's hiding but lack of eyesight from pitch blackness night with no street post to light up the dark corners of the night. The only light I get is from the lunar star above at night but that doesn't bring to life the type of darkness that's chasing me. Fully camouflaged to the night in all black only seeing its eyes moving sporadically up and down in a motion signifying he’s running. So close it feels like it cant get closer but doesn't attack waiting for me to run to the max capacity my legs can take me in this casistant paste, what a cruel way to kill something, extracting every single drop of hope i have mentally to the point i fail physically fail what my mind has mentally set out to do. A quick fun fact about me: I consider myself a seasoned runner (long distance) putting my body through an abundance of weather to master the elements coalescences together to be the best i can be. I'll elucidate that I don't consider myself as a quitter, so if that's the challenge I'm going to attack it with full force even though my life literally depends on it. With courage to keep me going when there's no chance to win, as long as I win metnatlly, physically is a different story. Body will stop but my spirit will push forward long after my body stops. I'll tell you what happened in the end but i don't live to tell it knowing that is why i'm speaking to you now who may ever read it. The fear turned to hope, hope turned to gas, gas is the energy that fuels my inspiration to take me across cities so now i've achieved a new level of runners high that some may call it nirvana. Forget the direction i'm going, this zeal is intoxicating a type acceleration that you'll feel when you get goosebumps when you listen to music that feeds to the scenario your mood is in, My hands no longer shake nor my teeth clatter together in quick succession to produce the beat that's in synchronization with the toon of my heart. The warm breath that I felt behind my ears moments before began fading. Running in the dark with my closed eyelids during a cold night, the loud thumping footsteps are forever present in this death run with nowhere else to go but forward just as I'm doing. The once brisk wind that made me shiver is now a welcoming breeze that keeps me cool from overheating under the moon. Trees and tempest winds blow in all direction not slowing me down losing myself in the particles crystalline dust that come from the nearby trees and plants i run by, never getting a good look at everything i run pass and to nervous to look back anymore in fear i'll lose my nerves with fear i keep my eyes glued to what's in front of me. A point is reached where the embarkation of my motivation begins to fade and at that point I ran so long I lost track of time and days in this forever night simulation. Legs are heavy, shortness of breath, and the heart beating against the chest and ribcage bring me back to life the situation i was in. A final push pops my knees on both legs along with the blood vessels in my neck and chest causing me not to breathe. I've reached my physical peak and now I'm laying on my back with the eyes facing the barely lighted sky to see the eyes of the thing that was chasing me. Unrecognizable furry humanoid being that I still can't make out but I feel a smile come across its face. Is it my shadow or something different altogether. I never close my eyes and die with my eyes open taking my last breath. The sound of cheering, then a sudden gasp and screams comes to reality when the moon shifts to a sun and an audience of fans and family occupying the stands agog for what they've just witnessed. A marathon race with me in prostration at the finish line breaking the world record with a smile on my face.

#loveforrunning #physicalfitness
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