

The Kingston magical school part 5
Chapter 5. "popularity"
I woke up the next day to an annoying voice, I thought it was Nat, but then I remembered that I moved to the school yesterday, I hated when someone else other then my family saw me like this but I guess I have to get use to it.
"Hello, down to earth? "
"Oh, sorry but what time is it right now?"
"7:00 am"
"u know I wake up more late then that"
"But it's the magical school, remember? "
"Yeah I know, and I already hate it"
"U should be grateful that u got accepted, It's very rare for people like u to be selected"
"Thanks for the reminder but I don't think i will be able to enjoy it for a few days"
"I know, it's hard to get use to a place u have never heard of"
"No, I have heard of it but just that I thought I would enjoy it but it didn't turn out the way I expected it to be"
"Okay then, anyways I am gonna introduce u to a few of my close friends today after school, please be nice to them"
"I am nice to people, I mean haven't u known it already? "
"Well then Missy, can we plz leave, we're gonna be late"
"Oh God, let's hurry"

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