

Halloween night is frozen chapter 4 killing from in
After they reach the hospital Samantha and Silvia
sammy 's mother ask the doctor what had happened to sammy why does she keep talking to her self..? The doctor yamada replied she.. Has.. That's when sammy starts coughing every one rush and give her some water then sammy wakes up and starts murmuring "anuty Samantha... You are safe.. Mommy, doctor yammda.. then doctor interrups and says ohhhhhh sammy it's yamada,he says in a sweet voice sammy starts laughing and says sorry doctor yamada 😬.. The doctor smiles at her.. Then he calls Samantha and Silvia and writes on a small chit of paper some medicines then they go home sammy ' s friend calls her to play, Silvia says sammy is sleeping she is sick dear sammy' s friend then says "sorry miss Fernandes i thought after we play i will give it to her.." curious Silvia asks kindly "what will you give her dear? Her friend says ohhhhhh while we went trick a treating sammy bought me a cute little puppy i named the puppy she bought chco moco bum bum silvia started laughing and said choco moco bum bum really what is your pet 's real name? Lita sammy' s friend giggled and said my pet's real name is coco and i wanted to give her some cookies and this gift for thanking her.. Then silvia said "no need for that Sweety". Then lita says u know i wanted to give her yesterday but.. She went to her anuty 's house and so i went home yesterday was my birthday u know. Silvia said happy bilated birthday lita said thankyou gave the gift she bought for sammy and left.. Silva then went inside the house then Samantha asked who was there she sammy' s friend lita. ( 5hours later) aunty Samantha see i told u time can freeze..( silvia screaming) Samantha call the doctor!

In the next chapter.. Samantha and silvia will find something terrible about sammy. but what will it be?

Thank you for reading 📖😊

© Bambi 123