

God Chose me part 1
This part 1 of my testimony, believe don't believe me it doesn't matter, it really happened.
Back in the 90s when I was a kid, i had my fist real face to face with a demon, I was probably 5 or 6 years old so around like 96, anyways I was the age I had an imaginary friend named Casper at the time I thought Casper was just a little boy that died there and he just wanted to play and be friends, he told he died there years ago and that he wanted to be my friend and like all little kids I said yes.
so anyways we would play games together laugh and have fun a couple of weeks go by he tells me "let's play in closet" and I said ok. So we are in the closet and were playing, then he started to look different and not so much as a little boy, I started to see horns on his head and scales like a dragon freaked me out a little he said "don't worry I'm just playing, " I said ok , then he says "I want to play a fun game" I said what is it, he said "I want you to watch me kill you're parents then kill you." I said no I dont like that game go away, I don't want to play with you anymore, you're no fun, leave me alone. He said no, at the time my mom was taking me and my siblings to church, and I was told if you ever need Jesus just call out to him. so remembering that I told him leave me alone in Jesus name and all of a sudden he was gone and I wasn't bothered again until around the time I was about 11.
a little back story before this next part, the whole time growing up that demon would mess with my family, my dad was angry alot my mom would have nightmares, it appeared in a photo with my sister, just a bunch of crazy things. over the years I blocked a lot of what happened to me as a kid, I don't understand why I blocked that part of my imaginary friend turning out to be a demon understand why I'm remembering all this now as write this.
but there is one part of this testimony from when I was a kid that I will never forget our block out of my mind, something some people believe me and some don't, but what this next part is 100% real.
Over the years the demon would mess with my family and make me scared of the dark, the year was like 2001 or maybe 2002 I was like 11 years old,my siblings went to stay with there dad for the weekend, the only people in the house were my parents and me, we had a three bedroom house my room was across my parents bedroom, the hallway between our rooms would creek if you walked across it, there was an other door that we would call the side door that led to the kitchen and bathroom, which my mom would leave the bathroom light on so I could sleep, my brother's dresser blocked the side doors walk way so no one can use it but the door stayed open that way I can see the light and we couldn't have a room doors shut, anyways, it was night and I was the only one sleeping in my room, before bed my mom would help me say my prayers and then she went to bed a few hours, mind you both my parents are sound to sleep, I was asleep, then all of a sudden I wake up to some walking in the kitchen and growling, I wake up and I sit up and crawl to the end of my bed look over the dresser and I see red glowing eyes and very sharp teeth.
I got scared and quickly laid down and covered my head up with the blanket, and kept say Jesus help Jesus save me over and over again.
Then all of a sudden I hear the hallway squeak 4 times, then through the blanket I feel hot breath through the blanket and hear growling, I move the covers slowly and I peek and I see it.
It had a head of a dog and scales like a dragon, red eyes sharp rows of teeth like a shark and had 4 legs, I quickly covered back up. It laughed and snarled, it had multiple voices a man and a womans voice speaking at the same time and said you're mine.
And so I called out to Jesus one more time Jesus help, Jesus save me, the demon laughed, then before the demon could say anything, this light, brighter than any light I ever seen appeared in the hallway, I uncovered my head, I had to convert my eyes.
I try to peek through them, all I could see was silhouette of a tall man long curly hair and beard, wholes in his hands and feet, I felt at peace all of a sudden.
He said "do not fear my child, you called for me", he pointed at the demon and said "begone evil creature, you don't belong here go back to the pits of hell where you belong."
Then he focused on me and said "before I go you need to tell you some things, you are ment for something great than you'll ever imagine, I won't tell you right now but you'll know when the time is right, you will preach my word when you're older, you will cast out demons and they will fear you because I will have angels with you always, I will show you visions on what is to come and will give you dreams that will come true, one last thing, you will no longer fear the dark and you will tell your parents and people at church what has happened here tonight, Remember I always love you no matter what." He stepped back into the light , the light went away and I fell right to sleep. the next day I told my mom and she believed every word, we went to church and my mom had me tell the pastors they believed me.
Ever since that night I was no longer afraid of the dark.
End of Part 1
part 2 coming soon
I hope enjoyed reading one of the most important part of my testimony.
when I tell the story a lot of people believe and a few think it's fake or whatever, it doesn't bother me because I know what happened and know no one can take away what I experienced.
© Jbo