

Chapter twenty-Seven

Lanas P.O.V

It has now been two months and within those months. We went to a finural for Mandy. Nathan's Mom came back still trying to let me break up with him or he breaks up with me, that made Nathan go in a fight with his mom he didn't want me to see it so he brought me somewhere else instead. All the other days were same as the usual but no school and no one hunting us. Even though we were alone we managed to have lots of fun. Life was getting better for all of us. It wasn't before long til I realized that I was the only human in the group. At first I didnt feel anyway but then, most times I'm home all by myself whiles everyone is hunting. I didn't want to think nothing of it so I tried blocking that thought from my head.

"is something wrong?"Nathan asked.
"uh,no"I said to him with a smile.
"Why do you look so down?"he asked.
"I'm fine"I said.
"okay,if you say so"he said.
"I'm gonna take you somewhere tonight"he said.
"That's a surprise"he said.
"okay." I said.

He kissed me on the cheek, then slowy walked away.

"It's pretty obvious!"Candy said from behind me in my ear giving me a fright.
"Please do not sneak up on me like that"I said turning around.

she grabbed my arm pulling me in another room.

"You seriously don't know what's going on?"She asked.
"No?"I said confused.
"You are a stupid girl you know that?"She said holding her forehead shaking her head.
"What's going on?"I asked.
"I don't wanna ruin the surprise"She said.
"okay?" I said questionly and really confused.

Later that night.

Nathan and I where walking in a forest, well being honest he was walking I was on his back. It was so dark it looked really scary.

"Is this where your gonna kill me?"I asked.

he chuckled.

"Maybe"he said.
"Why are we out here, I know it's a surprise but it is kinda scary"I said.
"Just relax" he said.
"I am both exited to know what my surprise is and also terrified" I said.
"Why?"He asked.
"Because we are in the middle of no where"I said.
"No need to be scared, I'm right here. Also I know this place like the back of my hand"He said.
"okay"I said resting my head on his shoulder.

Looking in the distance I saw a light.

"What is that?"I asked.
"You're surprise"he said.

He headed straight for the light that was in the distance.

"You still scared?"He asked.
"I don't know"I said.
"I just want this to be perfect"he said.
"I'm sure it is"I said.
"Really?"he asked.
"I don't know what the surprise is, but I bet it is"I said.
"Great"He said.
"If you are not running, why am I on your back?"I asked.
"I like it when you are"He said.
"Why?"I asked.
"I figured out that, I love giving you back rides"He said.
"But aren't you happy to be this old and still be able to have one?"he asked.
"Yeah!"I said.
"Ok, then I'll keep doing it. Even if I eventually turn you and you'd have your own speed and strength I'll still do it"He said.
"Good boy"I said patting him on his head.

I was so caught up in the conversation I didn't realize that we've reach the place where the light was coming from. It's actually really buetiful and majestic. The trees around us had lots of lanterns on them and the ground had so much flower petals.

"This is buetiful!"I said.
"Thank you, but this is not the surprise"He said.
"It's not?"I asked confused.
"It's part of it"He said putting me down.
"Okay"I said wondering.

Hmmm. What is the surprise. What is he breaking up with me!?!? No ofcourse not, why would I even think that! Maybe he's gonna turn me, but I'm not ready yet! Oh my gosh! was he pretending to be my boyfriend so he could just drink my blood!!!???.... seriously? that's just stupid to have even thought of. All I have to do is think of this surprise as good and nothing but that.

"Is this surprise a good one or a bad one?"I asked.
"Why would it be a bad one?"He asked.
"Just had a weird thought"I said.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you!"He said.
"I know!"I said.
"But I'm gonna ask you a really important question"He said.
"Please no more!"I said.
"Why not?"He asked.
"Nathan if you are about to change your mood to being all questionly I'm gonna leave!"I said.
"Where would you go?"He asked.
"Ok I guess you have a point there"I said.
"Are you really gonna run away?"he asked.
"Nathan stop!"I said.
"Why?"He asked.
"please don't hate me but right now you are being really annoying"I said.
"Why?"He asked.
".....................Because of what I just said"I said.
"Why?"he asked.
"Nathan please?"I asked.
"Why?"he asked.

you know what.

"Why?"I asked him.
"Why? Why?"He asked.
"Why?Why?why?"I asked.

he started laughing.

"I'm only messing with you."he said.
"Why?"I asked.
"Because I can and I love doing it"He said.
"I can do that too!"I said.
"I'm sure you can."He said smirking while looking straight into my eyes.

I moved over closer to him, he tilt down his head moving his lips closer to mine.

"Are you about to pretend to kiss me and then pull away?"He whispered.

I shaked my head no and kissed him.

"Why would I do that?"I asked.
"Because you did when you thought I was a stocker"He said.
"Well from my point of view (P.O.V) I didn't know it was you and you where basically a random stranger who saved me and kissed me then saved me again and told that you liked me. So if I pretended to have kissed you you would have let your guard down and I would have enough time to escape."I said.
"But I'm really fast"He said whispered in my ears from behind me.
"Weren't you just standing in front of me?"I asked.
"Yeah!"He said from sitting on the branch of one of the trees.
"Really funny Nathan"

In a blink of an eye I was sitting beside him. I held on to him thinking I was gonna fall down.

"Even if you did fall I would have catch you"He said.
"So you were gonna make me fall?"I asked.
"Was, but I guess I can't now."He said.

I let go of him.

"Where you really gonna kiss me when I was wearing the hoodie?"He asked.
"No"I said.
"The morning you woke up and realized I was right beside you but you didn't know, why didn't you scream or jump out of the bed or something?"He asked.
"you hand was around my waist and you told me that you where a vampire so if I moved you would have probably held on to me and then I'd be scared so I stayed as calm as possible and turned around. I was able to see your face a little so I decided to take the hoodie off but you grabbed my arm startling me then you put it in your face. Then I had two choice I could get up and run away again or figure out who you are. I think we really fast. My plan was to see your face and run away. But when I realized it was you I didn't want to run away anymore. So all I could do was just stare into your eyes as you stared right back into mine."I said.
"What would you do if I had put my hands on you?"he asked.
"like?"I asked.

I pulled me over to him really fast putting me on him and fell backwards on the ground I didn't feel anything since I was on him.

"Oh my god! are you ok?"I asked.
"That's a dumb question to ask"He said.
"oh I forgot for a second there"I said.

He pulled me down closer to him and I smiled.

"So you arent gonna do anything?"he asked.
"oh we are still playing that game."I said.
"Yeah"He said.
"Right, ok"I said.

I sat back up and got up off him as he got up and pulled me closer over to him about to kiss me but I slapped in his face. Well that didn't do anything.

"If you kiss me, my boyfriend will literally kill you. A boy did that once and was warned did it twice and died so are you really trying to do it twice now or do you want to live your life?"I asked.
"That's good"He said coming in for a kiss but I turned my head facing the other direction.
"Don't worry I'm me now"He said.
"Me who?"I asked.
"Your boyfriend"He said.
"oh!"I said turning around and kissed him.
"Did you know that you look really cute when you talk about me?"He asked.
"No, thanks!"I said.
"You also look cute when your worried and scared and crying"He said.
"really?"I asked.
"like when you thought I was dead, I could see a thing of hear a thing my body wouldn't move until you ran over to me placing my head in your lap I opened my eyes and I could talk to you. I could see,hear and smell you. But then it's like my body told me that that's enough. So I was like a robot being shut down after closing my eyes. I could hear you crying. I didn't want you to cry but I still thought you looked really cute.Even though I could see you I just emaginzed it and thought about all the times I've seen you cry including when you were young."He said.

I hugged him as a tear dropped from my eyes.

"Are you crying again?"He asked.
"No"I said.
"Are you so happy and moved tears are coming from your eyes?"he asked.
"I guess you could say that"I said.

I pulled away from him wiping the tear from my eye.

"Now that I think about it, you are the strongest out of all of us"Nathan said.
"What?"I asked.
"Whenever things get bad for you, you manage to stay calm. Like when you were kidnapped and when Candy tried to kill you"He said.
"Marsa thought me to stay calm in every situation because panicing isn't gonna help"I said.
"That's really good advice"He said.
"I know"I said.
"Did she teach you to also forgive people?"He asked.
"Yeah Hatred isn't the way to go"I said.
"That's why you didn't want me to kill Noah nor Alex. You wanted to forgive them."He said.
"I did, but they where both hurting me so I'm not sure if I can even forgive them now"I said.
"That is totally up to you"He said.
"I'm actually pretty glad you were protecting me basically my whole life"I said.
"It's kind of my job now"He said.

I laughed.

"And it's also my job to make you laugh"He said.
"Because you want me to be happy, don't worry I'm happy with you"I said.
"So would you be with me forever?"he asked.
"Yeah!"I said.

he smiled.

"Great."He said.

He took my hand and walked me over to the middle of the flower petals.

"ooh am I gonna get my surprise now?"I asked.
"Do you love me?"he asked.
"Yes! A million times yes!"I said.

he smiled again.


he took out a small red box out his back pocket got down on one knee. And open the box revealing the ring. It was a red diomand ring with a silver band.

"Will you Marry me?"He asked looking into my eyes.


© kel