

SELF CRITICISM is one of the most dangerous viruses that can potentially f*ck up your inner environment

Even if you feel less than enough, never affirm it...heck don't even harbor such THOUGHTS within you cuz it'll keep growing until that's the only thing you can think of

Yes you can hold yourself accountable when you slip but never be too hard on yourself

Be gentle with yourself
Form the HABIT of saying "I'M MAKING TREMENDOUS PROGRESS TOWARDS A BETTER LIFE" but don't just affirm it, put in the right ACTIONS so it can MANIFEST

Don't just wish it, WORK for it
When I say WORK, I speak of your inner environment

ACCEPT where you are rn and do the needful to BECOME more

I believe in you and I know that you can be exactly as you have been dreaming it

Now stop dreaming and start being
I'm here to help but you have to be WILLING before we can work together

Stay blessed y'all
Keep spreading the word📣
Invite others to join us for next week
Always speak and LIVE your TRUTH


© Kíkörí Kasie