

God loves us all
Lily Ajayi grumbled as her alarm sounded telling her it was morning and time to wake up,she pushed the alarm from the bed side table to the floor and covered her ears with pillow not ready to wake up and go to that hell called school ,as she dozed off again ,she heard footsteps approaching knowing it was her mom (Mrs Deborah Ajayi) ,she jumped out of bed ,rushed to the bathroom and acted like she's been up for a while ,her mum entered the room and asked if she was ready for school ,she replied saying she was almost ready.After getting ready she went out of her room to have the family devotion and breakfast ,she greeted her dad(Mr Obafemi Ajayi) who is a Deacon at The Redeemed Christian church of God ,then joined the devotion which had started ,had breakfast and got dropped off at school by her dad .
As she walked through the gates of Foundation Academy ,she just wanted to run back home to the comfort of her bed but she couldn't ,she then walks towards the Assembly ground to join her mates , thankfully she was on time ,the Assembly went by in a blur as she really wasn't interested in anything and just wanted to get back home .Right as she thought the day couldn't get worse she spotted the favorite of everybody in the world she was sure even God loved her and took her as His best yet ,Jessica Simpson! good grades ,flawless skin ,loved by all the teachers ,speaks in tongues ,knows her bible ,she was sure her parents would kill for a child like that,hissing bitterly she went to her classroom ,Greeted her classmates ,and went to her seat to get settled for the painfully long classes .
During break time ,Lily went to Senior Secondary school three (S.S.3) to see her "crush" under the pretense of needing help to solve a math problem ,she went straight to her crush and met him talking to a friend who was a female ,she got upset and said "Get up I want to talk to Senior Francis" ,the female senior was shocked at the audacity of Lily and gave her a very dirty slap ,Lily burning hot with anger returned the slap and the y engaged in a very nasty fight ,as the fight was going on a teacher passing by spotted them ,called them to the staff room ,after hearing both sides ,he decided to take them to the principal of the school as fighting was a very grievous offence , both young ladies were pleading as they knew if it got to the principal they'll get suspended and they'll have to deal with their parents ,Lily was not ready to hear another ear bursting sermon from "daddy and mummy" .Jessica who was passing by heard them and joined in pleading on the instruction of the Holy Spirit ,the teacher later decided to give them strokes of the cane and warn them never to repeat it ,Lily felt so much disgust and thought Jessica came to show off again.She went back to continue with her classes and when the closing bell rang she was more than happy ,she went home by herself ,greeted her mum ,freshened up ,went to have lunch and being the only child she had to do all the chores ,she often wondered what it would be like though to have a little sister or maybe a brother ,she did her homework ,helped her mum in the kitchen ,ate dinner ,did the dishes ,discussed her day with her parents of course hiding the fight ,went to her room glad that another day was over .
Weeks flew by ,with Lily hating Jessica ,hating school ,Junior WAEC approaching and that was basically it in Lily's life ,Jessica on the other hand whose father died in a car accident was having it rough ,her mum was grieving and she was trusting God to comfort her family ,they had debts and nobody was there to help ,she was trying to trust God and for someone her age ,she was really having a hard time .
Lily saw Jessica crying in a empty classroom ,she was surprised and she thought she would feel good about seeing Jessica in pain but she actually felt curious and didn't understand why someone who had a perfect life would cry ,She went in to ask her why she was crying and Jessica who really needed a friend told Lily everything ,Lily couldn't believe that even Jessica wasn't spared from the trouble that this world has to offer ,she tried comforting her and she really meant it ,from that day Lily and Jessica started talking and they got to understand each other better ,Jessica holding on to the faith that God would do something for her family influenced Lily and Lily also started getting to know God through Jessica ,Lily came to a conclusion that God loves everybody and she should be grateful that she still has both parents ,she was alive and in good health ,God doesn't have a favorite and just because it seems like someone has everything under control doesn't mean they actually do ,Lily and Jessica got so close and became really good friends ,getting to know the Lord together ,getting good grades in school ,They also did very well in their junior WAEC and made their parents proud .
Lily's parents saw the change in Lily and were so glad their daughter was finally on the right path ,and with them expecting a new baby they knew she'd be the best big sister she could be ,Lily felt more optimistic about life and school and most importantly God .

© God's heritage