

That dead phone layed on the ground never turned back on I don't know why
it's silly. So situations never work right
As I fight to understand there is no
go reason as to why
A system is to help count our ballots
And not help all who trained for there
positions of election judge and then
when you call about the matter on some
ones behave then. You get a clerk
who said oh we don't need those
we trained we want our state workers
to handle this not the ones who are
in the community who could help
by hiring there own trainee and giving
him the chance to make his own money's
so why if you help this person when you
see they were wronged by the system
you get called all kinds of names so you start name calling to. Or you try to defend yourself because a bunch of people want to bother you and if you
do the right thing there by there family
the fools want to call you out your name.
when they could very well just take there
family out the state of Maryland so I
don't get leaned on by people with no go intentions coming at me at there kin
but want lend a helping hand for there
own kin. I seen this man treated sad
And they don't look at the injustices
of the system they to busy trying to down me sad and true. That's why the
phone that I gave the man is off because
they never let him get him get up to
take care of himself. And they never
once went to these offices and asked
why there kin never got hired for a job
which he was trained to do. Sad by true it make me scared to help get to know
or open my heart up to some people
For doing some stuff that they do.

© lashes