

Love In Amnesia (Chapter 4 in the grip of Love)

Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of Tai Ho. Isabella couldn't shake off the feeling that something dreadful had happened to him. The uncertainty gnawed at her, fuelling her determination to find him at any cost. With the help of Old Man Gu and some trusted allies, Isabella embarked on a daring quest to uncover the truth behind Tai Ho's disappearance. As they delved deeper into the underworld of California, they uncovered nothing. But Isabella refused to back down, driven by love and determination to reunite with her beloved Tai Ho, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

Old Man Gu and Tai Ho's colleague confronted Isabella, but to no avail. She worried day and night, her mind consumed by thoughts of Tai Ho. Meanwhile, Tai Ho showed signs of recovery but couldn't set foot on the ground due to his leg being paralysed. Lilly tended to his wounds when he was unconscious. After Tai Ho awoke, the only name that came out of his mouth was Isabella's, which left Lilly shattered and ignored.

After regaining consciousness, Tai Ho explained that Lilly had found him at the hospital, where no doctors were attending to him, so she took him to her residence. Lilly had informed the police about the issue and was permitted to take him to her home, assuring them that she would save his life and return him to his family once he recovered. Tai Ho was grateful for Lilly's kindness.

After three weeks of medication, brought from India and prescribed by a doctor, Tai Ho began to walk slowly with the aid of a wheelchair or metal frame. He showed his gratitude towards Lilly for taking care of him, but his heart yearned for Isabella. Lilly, though hurt by his words, understood the depth of his feelings for the woman he loved. While physically showing kindness, deep within her heart, she devised a plan to have him alone.
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