

DEMOCRACY : System of the People.
Democracy, derived from the Greek words "demo" (people) and "crata" (rule), is a system of government where power is held by the people, either directly or through elected representatives. Abraham Lincoln's definition of democracy as "of the people, by the people, and for the people" resonates with the core principles of this political ideology. However, the theory of democracy fails when citizens' consent is absent, and political violence thrives.

A genuine democratic government, ruled by the general acceptance of its citizens, rarely records cases of political violence. Democracy aims to ensure the rule of the people over the rule of elites, unlike aristocracy. The political process of election is the most vital tool in practicing democracy, allowing citizens to exercise their franchise and leaders to assume power. However, democracy fails when the processes preceding and following elections are exposed to manipulation and fabrication.

Recently, a chilling incident occurred when Donald Trump, the Republican party's flag bearer and a running candidate for the United States presidential election, survived an assassination attempt while campaigning in Slovenia. This incident not only attacked the face of the United States government but also the very fabric of democracy. It exemplifies the political violence and manipulation that undermines the democratic process.

In conclusion, democracy is a delicate system that requires active citizen participation, free and fair elections, and protection from political violence and manipulation. Only then can we truly say that democracy reigns, and the power belongs to the people.

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© Oluwatobiloba Akinnate