

lost fairy princess
This story takes place in Glistening Jade and unknow forest, an unknown place. The forest is hidden unknown to all, no name a weary traveler could call. Only those who reside in this forest know, the secret places our orphan fairy longs to go. She knows no mother or father to be, so she wonders the forest how lonely is she. The critters that hide in the forest with her, avoid any contact she's simply a blur. A blur in their eye they wish to not see, makes her feel even lonelier. lonely is she. As far back as she can think, as long as she remembers, she feels a sense of spirit that of she may be a member.

"What is my talent, what is my gift, am I here for eternity or am I forever a drift? Is there more beyond the bushes, the flowers, the trees, and is there magic inside of me? There's only one way to know only one way to see and that's to leave here. leave here I'll be. I'll fly over the bushes I'll fly over the trees: I must escape my own anxiety's. This is the decision, the decision I have made, it's time to find Glistening Jade. How will I get there how will I know, I wish I knew somebody, so I knew where to go. I'll just have to wing it. I'll fly away high. I won't give a second glance taking every chance."

I begin to fly leaving the land of my past, only for my Fairy heart to dance: I'm free at last. I fly high in the sky for I finally feel alive. When suddenly something soars at me, and I take a dive. I try to breath I'm gonna drown will someone save me? No more water upon my face, what is this being that gives me grace? A strong hand pulls me free, who is this man that I see? I have a savior do I now have a friend, who is this fairy who is this man?

"I did not see you: I did not know your there, it was not my intent to knock you from the air. My name is Cade from a land far away, why are you out here you must be so brave."

"I was left here many, many years ago. I'm trying to find a village that you may not know. I'm

moving along this trip I have made, I'm trying to find Glistening Jade.

"I know that village. I know it well: I am from there. here I do tell. Before we move further a

question I aim, who are you little Fairy what is your name? "My name is Zina, in the forest I live, I wish to go with you my hope is you'll give."

"Give you what little fairy, what would you like

"I want to leave here: I want to go there, a new life with friends and fun is what I do çare. "Then come with me little Fairy, lets give it a try, to Glistening Jade we both will fly."

They arrive in the land of Glistening Jade, Zina in awe in what has been made. A beautiful castle a court and a King, who for some reason knows her by name.

"Zina my child, you've finally been found, my heart has been broken, made not even a sound. Your now here. I see you exist, did you not know you are a Princess? So come my child and assume your role, here at Glistening Jade upon your thrown."

She's now in the kingdom surrounded by many, she's no longer lonely, she's no longer petty. She's important, she's loved, with family and friends, no longer questioning if her life was a dead end.