

Selfish Suicide
Disclaimer: I am in NO WAY promoting suicide. I am NOT encouraging it. I am simply getting out my thoughts because I am fed up with people who only see that one side of this issue. It is not that simple.
The puropse of this is to give people a glimpse of what the other person might be feeling. So next time, if you find yourself in a position where you might say "Suicide is selfish." - PLEASE remember that it is NOT that simple.

There's that very popular opinion that suicide is selfish. That it hurts our family and friends when we leave them behind so we should think of them and not do it.
But why does nobody talk about the fact, that the family and friends are also the ones acting selfish?

We're hurting. We are suffering. Our mind is our enemy, we are lost, we have no hope. We have tried for so long, tried to get better but it does not get better. And the only reason we're still alive is because everyone around us made us think that going is selfish and that we'd hurt the people close to us.
And so we keep on surviving. Not living, because it certainly isn't that. We wake up, survive the day in pain with no hope of relief in sight, go to sleep and repeat.

Aren't the people around us selfish? Isn't it selfish of them to want us to suffer so much just because they cannot say goodbye to us? Shouldn't they want us to be free of all that pain? Instead, they make us think that their happiness relies on our suffering and we're stuck with the feeling of guilt because we are constantly thinking about hurting them by freeing ourselves.


© Darali May