

Daughter of a dead Businessman
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. Quickly looking around I spotted a table I could hide under.

Diving underneath I sucked in a sharp breath as the footsteps was louder than before. With each footstep my whole body trembled in fear. 'I knew I shouldn't have trusted them.' I thought with a scowl on my face. My eyes widen as the footsteps stopped in front of where I was hiding.

"Boss will be real happy if I brought him a rich little stray. C'mon out little girl. The boss is waiting," the voice of the footsteps said. Chills ran across my whole form. It was a man, maybe around his late twenties. His voice was ruff, probably a heavy smoker. "You can always thank your daddy for this. He's late on pay." the man said.

Faster than I could blink the sheet that covered me was gone from sight and I was yanked up in his grip by the wrists. Screaming in fear I kicked my legs and moved around as much as I could since he lifted my body off the floor. I might be light, but he picked me up as if I was rasins in sack.

"Quit ya squirming! There's no one to save nor hear you." What he said was true. We were on the fifth floor of this ghostly hospital and this place is near to collapsing. No human in their right mind would near here. Unless you count me, that one person who wouldn't back down from a dare.

I kept struggling, ignoring his words and tried to think of a better plan. With wide eyes I used all my force and kicked as hard as I could to his private. Crying out in pain the man dropped me and held on to his probably now bruising baby maker as a line of curse words left his chapped lips.

Taking this as my cue I ran past him and tried finding a way out this place. Sadly, my direction is as bad as a newborn baby. I don't remember which way I came from. "There's no way... I'm taking... the elevators." I said through pants. A startled gasp left my lips as I was tackled to the floor, the air quickly being forced out my mouth as the man's weight landed on me.

A sharp pain sent shock through my arms as the feeling in my body started to numb. "What did you do you asshole!" I yelled, my vision blurry from whatever it was that entered my body. "Don't worry princess. You'll be in good hands with the boss."

That was the last thing I heard before the darkness completely consumed me.


|Time Skip: Three hours later|
|Author's P.O.V.|

Jani woke up with a jolt. It was dark and the only sorce of light was the moon outside. When she tried to move her arms, the chains and cuffs shook. Panic flooded her body as the memories from before came back. "I don't belong here! Get me out!" She screamed, shaking and pulling on the chains. It didn't help much but made her skin bleed as it was burned raw.

"I wouldn't do that, Jani Chae," a voice spoke from afar. Stopping what she was doing Jani squinted her eyes and looked around the room again and finally noticed the slim male in a red leather chair. "And who are you?" Jani asked, venom was clearly laced in her words. The guy chuckled as he raised his hands mockingly.

"Don't worry, I don't bite pretty girls," a pause, "unless they want me to." He said smirking. Goosebumps crawled over Jani's skin as she glared at the unknown male. He had to be in his early twenties, no older than 24 years. "Who are you. What do you want with me?" Jani asked after pushing down any fear or nausea she had.

"Your dad was a businessman, but his job couldn't pay him well. It was going bankrupt, and he needed money to raise a child. Each month he would ask for money, promising he would pay us back double the amount he was missing to pay us. He owed us a lot of money. Can you guess how much?" he asked looking at Jani as he unlocked the chains on her.

Not waiting for an answer he continued. "Over 90 billion dollars. A lot, I know; unfortunately he never paid the money. Three years, three years and he never paid. He disappeared from us, but he'll be back wanting what's precious to him the most. His little girl," he said with a laugh following after.

"My father left me three years ago. He wants nothing to do with me," Jani said in anger, her voice lowered less to a whisper. "at least that's what he told me." Shaking her head Jani glared at the unknown man. Before anyone of them could say something, the door swung open showing a male around his late teens, a small look of panic was covering his features. "Charlie, we got trouble. Another Mafia has infiltrated the base."

An agitated groan left the man Jani now knows as Charlie as he looked at the teen. "Which group?" Charlie asked as he pulled out his gun. Jani's eyes widen, surprised she didn't notice it earlier. "They call themselves the Fallen Nights, there's a total of seven." Charlie chuckled and walked to the door.

Charlie laughed loudly, the sounds of a maniac leaving his chapped lips. "Never heard of them!" he said when calming down. "Tie her up. I don't want this brat getting out," he said before slamming the door shut. Quickly the unknown teen looked out the door after a few seconds. "Alright, let's go. He'll be back in a few minutes." The male said pulling out a pistol from the back of his pants.

"Who are you?" Jani asked as she quickly stood next to him. Opening the door a little he looked over his shoulder and into Jani's eyes, a playful smirking dancing across his full pink lip.

"I'm Jones, and I'm part of Fallen Nights."