

Honoring My Mother Always
Honoring My Mother

Written by Ciara Webb

"When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!" John 19:26

What my mother means to me is that she is supportive and attentive. I had been through a lot with my mother in the past. She would say mean things about me but despite the negative remarks she had made, I still loved her and I will always love her no matter what. No matter how angry she made me, she has always been there for me ever since I was a little girl.
When I would have bullies bullying me at school, she would always go to the school and talk to the principal and the teachers about the situation. My mother was so supportive of that.
There was a time when I was in 3rd grade at the age of 8, there was a teacher who would let the students mess with me. Her name was Mrs. Thomas. I was in a class of 6 students who had learning disabilities and including myself. Mrs. Thomas did not have any compassion for her students and I did not learn anything in her class. When I first met her, I felt that she did not like me because she would call me out of my name. She never referred to me as Ciara, she always called me "sista slickums." I hated that name. I told her I did not like that name and "I will tell my mama." Her response was "go ahead and tell yo mama, I used to be a heavyweight champion back in the day, I kick mamma's butts too. " I was not expecting that response from a teacher. I did not know if she was joking when she said that or was that true. There were kids in that class that would tease me all the time, and Mrs. Thomas did nothing about it. So I went home and told my mother and my aunts what had happened. My mother was extremely angry when I told her everything that Mrs. Thomas did and said. The next day my mother came to the school with me after class. Instead of her going to the principal's office, she went to see Mrs. Thomas instead. I was so nervous. I said, "ma, please don't embarrass me." She said, "naaw, I ain't go be doing all that, I'm just go tell her off." I did not know what that meant when she said she was going to tell Mrs. Thomas off. When my mother barged into the classroom, she started fussing at Mrs. Thomas. My mother was swearing up a storm. I was so embarrassed. I grabbed her hand and said, "ma come on." She yanked my hand away. She did not listen. Even though she embarrassed me and I did not like that she sweared at Mrs. Thomas. Eventually, my mother got me out of that school because the bullying never stopped, and the principal did not believe me of what I told her about Mrs. Thomas. I thank God for my mother supporting me and caring for me. There were other schools I had gone to and had bullies, and she always has been there for me. I honor my mother for that. She was my hero for protecting me from bullies.
My mother means a lot to me. When I was a child, I could not imagine myself without her. I used to tell her all the time as a child that I would not know what I would do without her. I had told her if she died, I would go crazy. As an adult, I know not to have that type of mindset to think that I would go crazy if my mother was deceased. I know her death would hurt me a lot, but with the grace of God, he will give me the strength to move on with peace.
My mother raised me to be an independent woman and not depend on a man. One day we went out to an I-hop restaurant when I was 10 years old. We were conversing on a topic about men. She informed me that when I grow up that she does not want to see me get hurt by men. She experienced that a lot in her past. She said, "Ciara, I want you to be your own woman when you grow up, don't be depending on no man, cause men don’t know nothin." My response was "yeah I know how to be an independent woman, if that boy ain't right, imma kick 'em to the curb." Her response, "that's right." There were a lot of things my mother taught me as a child, but as an adult, I do not agree with some things she taught me. I know my mother taught me the things that she knew, and that was not her fault. I appreciate the things that she taught me as a child. I honor her for sharing her experiences with me.
My mother never told me that she loved me, but I always knew she did, and I still know that she loves me. How do I know my mother loves me, is through her actions. She is very supportive of showing me that she loves me through her actions. She was always there for me when I needed her to be. She always cooked and worked for my brother and me when we were kids. She always put food on the table. I thank God that I have a supportive mother. She had done so much for me and she still does a lot for me.
How I compare my mother's love to Christ's love, is that she is supportive and caring like the Lord is. God is supportive of our needs. God is always there for us no matter what. When I call on my mother to help me with something, she is there to support me with love. Like when I call on the Lord's name in need of his help, he will always be there to support me with love. That is how I compare my mother's love to Christ's love.
This past mother’s day, I was going to give my mother $200, but I increased the amount and gave her $220 instead. When I had put the money in her hand, I did not just tell her Happy Mother’s Day. I told her what she means to me. I told her that I was giving her $220 dollars for always being there for me, and also for really being there for me in this season.
In my closing, my mother's way of raising me was to always be independent and to be a strong woman, She always told me if I meet a man, I should always tell him what he wants to hear. I accepted that message for a while growing up. Now, a woman who is getting closer to God, and understanding wisdom. I can not agree with some things that my mother used to tell me. God does not want us to be deceitful human beings. I love my mother a lot, and I still appreciate the things she had shared with me about what she had experienced and how she was raised as a child. I honor my mother always.
Always honor our parents using this scripture, "For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: Mark 7:10.
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